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  • Hi, you can download Sidebar Login widget plugin at here as since v2.0.4, built in woocommerce sidebar login widget has been removed.



    Hi Terry,
    Does this “sidebar login” login to Woocommerce and not WordPress? I can’t find anything on the plugin site page that states that it will login to Woocommerce.
    Also, do you know of anything that will provide a Woocommerce login on the homepage (eg, header?) rather than a sidebar?
    Thanks in advance,

    Tenho o Word Press instalado no meu PC porém aquele painel n?o aparece, conforme me mandaram uma e mail para baixar mostrando como deve ser o painel.
    Paguei para ter este site, o domínio é ( 60cab-dd969 número de ordem65044 nota da fatura160054, porém n?o consigo acessar o, me ajudem por favor, agora que já paguei n?o sei o que fa?o.

    the sidebar thingy logs into wordpress. but thats what you want, since woo is running on wp. and since you are “only” a customer, you cant really enter wp. you get redirected to “your-account” site, when you want to enter admin area with an account of status “customer”. so this plugin is what you want. installed it 5 seconds ago and is working ever since..

    I heard they removed the woocommerce login widget for security reasons.

    I’ve been using theme my login to replace it since I updated to 2.0. It works great and you can re-direct the users to any page you want after they log in or out.

    I having Problems getting woocommerce and Sidbar login to work ??
    I have installed the latest version of both. Wenn the Sidbar Login is aktivated, i get errors like please insert username..even if i am logged in.. When the Login Plugin is deactivated everything works ..

    Some of you have similar problems, do you use the latest versions too ?

    Maybe some configuration problem ?? ? I have no idea what to do…

    Regards from Germany

    Woocommerce doesn’t support it’s old sidebar login anymore. I’ve actually abandoned using any sidebar login all together. I am now using a login modal that has a register feature as well as a login form. It’s called Modal Login Plugin and you can find it here, if you’re interested.

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