• Hello i will try to make my question as clear as possible. PLEASE read carefully and reply as soon as possible because this is an urgent matter and we cant go live because of this.

    In woocommerce settings we want the “Your Account” page to be directing users to domain.com/my-account

    BUT the login page we want it to be a different page because we are using a plugin for login.

    Currently the theme is connecting both “Your Account” and Login link to /my-account.
    When user is not logged and presses “Sign In” it directs them to /My-Account to sign in/sign up and then if they want to see their woocommerce account they click on “Your Account”. Both pages direct to same page, difference is when u click sign in you are not logged in, when it logs you it’s the same page with woocommerce shortcode.

    We want to keep the “Your Account” directing them to /my-account as we set it up on woocommerce settings accounts.
    But the Sign In link/button we want them to direct them to /register.

    Can you help? We don’t want big customization, we only need to direct the sign in link to a different page.
    The theme support tells me it’s a woocommerce thing so they dont offer support for it. My account and sign-in link both direct to the page you setup in woocommerce options under accounts.
    Any work around this?



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