• Resolved Stefan


    Hallo zusammen,

    wenn ich WooCommerce Payments in meinem Shopsystem aktiviere und per Kreditkarte bezahle, erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung (Stripe ist verbunden):

    stripe.confirmSetup(): the confirmParams.return_url argument is required unless passing redirect: 'if_required'

    Diese Fehlermeldung kommt nur, wenn Germanized aktiviert ist, weshalb Woocommerce und Stripe die “Schuld” des Fehlers erstmal bei Germanized sehen. Ich ben?tige aber zwingend Woocommerce und Germanized. K?nntet ihr bitte (ohne Verweis auf eine separate Support-Seite) das Problem analysieren?

    Ich habe hier zwei Infopakete:
    1. Anbei der kopierte Systembericht:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL): https://3ddruckmuenchen.com
    Site address (URL): https://3ddruckmuenchen.com
    WC Version: 7.0.0
    REST API Version: ? 7.0.0
    WC Blocks Version: ? 8.5.1
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.5.2
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: ? 6.0.3 - Es ist eine neuere Version von WordPress verfügbar (6.1)
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 256 MB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: ?
    Language: de_DE
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.4.32
    PHP Post Max Size: 150 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 180
    PHP Max Input Vars: 5000
    cURL Version: 7.74.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.5.15-MariaDB-0+deb11u1
    Max Upload Size: 150 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
    fsockopen/cURL: ?
    SoapClient: ?
    DOMDocument: ?
    GZip: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 7.0.0
    WC Database Prefix: gowp_
    Datenbank-Gesamtgr??e: 77.81MB
    Datenbank-Datengr??e: 64.11MB
    Datenbank-Indexgr??e: 13.70MB
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    gowp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB
    gowp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB
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    gowp_wfsnipcache: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.05MB + Engine InnoDB
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    gowp_woocommerce_gzd_shipping_provider: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB
    gowp_woocommerce_gzd_shipping_providermeta: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB
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    gowp_yasr_multi_set: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB
    gowp_yasr_multi_set_fields: Daten: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
    attachment: 457
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    et_template: 9
    et_theme_builder: 1
    nav_menu_item: 6
    page: 25
    post: 102
    product: 1
    product_variation: 1
    revision: 4
    shop_order: 285
    wp_global_styles: 1
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (27) ###
    ManageWP - Worker: von GoDaddy – 4.9.14
    3DPrint: von Sergey Burkov –
    Advanced Access Manager: von Vasyl Martyniuk <[email protected]> – 6.9.2
    All-in-One WP Migration FTP Extension: von ServMask – 2.71
    All-in-One WP Migration: von ServMask – 7.67
    ARForms - Premium WordPress Form Builder Plugin: von Repute InfoSystems – 5.8
    CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent: von CookieYes – 3.0.4
    Divi Ajax Search: von Elicus – 1.0.4
    Divi - Disable Premade Layouts: von Bruno Bouyajdad | Indikator Design – 1.2.2
    Divi Essential: von Divi Next – 4.6.2
    Divi Toolbox: von Divi Lover – 1.6.14
    File Upload Types: von WPForms – 1.2.2
    OMGF: von Daan from Daan.dev – 5.4.2
    Imagify: von WP Rocket – 2.0
    Loco Translate: von Tim Whitlock – 2.6.3
    Really Simple SSL: von Really Simple Plugins – 5.3.5
    vendidero Helper: von vendidero – 2.1.6
    WooCommerce Stripe-Gateway: von WooCommerce – 6.9.0
    Germanized für WooCommerce Pro: von vendidero – 3.5.8
    Germanized für WooCommerce: von vendidero – 3.10.6
    WooCommerce-Zahlungen: von Automattic – 4.9.0
    WooCommerce: von Automattic – 7.0.0 (Update auf Version 7.0.1 ist verfügbar)
    Wordfence Security: von Wordfence – 7.7.1
    Yoast SEO: von Team Yoast – 19.9
    WP Mail SMTP: von WPForms – 3.6.1
    WP Rocket: von WP Media –
    Yet Another Stars Rating: von Dario Curvino – 3.1.3
    ### Inactive Plugins (0) ###
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
    ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###
    ManageWP - Worker Loader: von GoDaddy –
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: EUR (€)
    Currency Position: right_space
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to WooCommerce.com: –
    Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –
    ### WC Pages ###
    Shop-Basis: #1345 - /shop/
    Warenkorb: #1346 - /warenkorb/
    Kasse: #1347 - /checkout/
    Mein Konto: #1348 - /my-account/
    Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen: #1217 - /agb/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: DRIU Theme
    Version: 2.2
    Author URL: https://it-buero.eu
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: Divi
    Parent Theme Version: 4.18.1
    Parent Theme Author URL: https://www.elegantthemes.com
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: /home/www/3ddruckmuenchen/wp-content/plugins/3dprint/woocommerce/order/order-again.php Version 2.3.0 ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 3.5.0
    /home/www/3ddruckmuenchen/wp-content/plugins/3dprint/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php Version 2.3.0 ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 6.1.0
    /home/www/3ddruckmuenchen/wp-content/plugins/3dprint/woocommerce/single-product/price.php Version 2.4.9 ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 3.0.0
    /home/www/3ddruckmuenchen/wp-content/plugins/3dprint/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php Version - ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 3.5.1
    Outdated Templates: ?
    wie du aktualisieren kannst
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
    Disabled Features: minified-js
    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2022-11-02 15:04:01 +01:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 95
    Onboarding: completed
    ### WooCommerce Payments ###
    Version: 4.9.0
    Connected to WPCOM: Ja
    Blog ID: 199833567
    Account ID: acct_1Jx9VE2EhTLWutJV
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 512
    Oldest: 2022-10-02 17:11:35 +0200
    Newest: 2022-11-02 05:37:11 +0100
    Failed: 1
    Oldest: 2021-12-08 20:10:37 +0100
    Newest: 2021-12-08 20:10:37 +0100
    Pending: 6
    Oldest: 2022-11-02 10:29:14 +0100
    Newest: 2022-11-07 16:53:36 +0100
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-11-02 05:40:47 +01:00

    2. Im Anhang sind Fehlermeldungen aus dem Protokoll-Tab. Ich habe einige Informationen aus dem Abschnitt ?Info Response“ abgekürzt – es scheint sich um vertrauliche Informationen zu handeln.

    2022-11-02T04:37:07+00:00 INFO ENVIRONMENT: array (
      'WP_User' => 'Stefan',
      'HTTP_REFERER' => 'https://3ddruckmuenchen.com/wp-login.php',
      'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
      'REQUEST_URI' => '/wp-admin/',
      'DOING_AJAX' => false,
      'DOING_CRON' => false,
      'WP_CLI' => false,
    2022-11-02T04:37:07+00:00 INFO REQUEST GET https://public-api.wordpress.com/wpcom/v2/sites/%s/wcpay/accounts?test_mode=0
    2022-11-02T04:37:07+00:00 INFO HEADERS: array (
      'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
      'User-Agent' => 'WooCommerce Payments/4.9.0',
    2022-11-02T04:37:09+00:00 INFO RESPONSE: array (
      'account_id' => 'acct_1.............',
      'email' => '(redacted)',
      'live_publishable_key' => 'pk_live_i...............',
      'test_publishable_key' => 'pk_test_51ETD.............',
      'is_live' => true,
      'has_pending_requirements' => false,
      'has_overdue_requirements' => false,
      'current_deadline' => NULL,
      'status' => 'complete',
      'capabilities' => 
      array (
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        'ideal_payments' => 'active',
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        'sepa_debit_payments' => 'active',
        'sofort_payments' => 'active',
        'transfers' => 'active',
        'bank_transfer_payments' => 'unrequested',
        'cartes_bancaires_payments' => 'unrequested',
        'klarna' => 'unrequested',
      'capability_requirements' => 
      array (
        'bancontact_payments' => 
        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
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        array (
        'sepa_debit_payments' => 
        array (
        'sofort_payments' => 
        array (
        'transfers' => 
        array (
      'payments_enabled' => true,
      'deposits' => 
      array (
        'status' => 'enabled',
        'interval' => 'daily',
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        'completed_waiting_period' => true,
        'minimum_deposit_amounts' => 
        array (
          'aud' => 500,
          'cad' => 500,
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          'dkk' => 5000,
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      'statement_descriptor' => '3DDRUCKMUENCHEN.COM',
      'latest_tos_agreement' => 
      array (
        'date' => '2021-11-18 12:14:09',
        'source' => 'signup',
        'is_current_version' => true,
      'fees' => 
      array (
        'base' => 
        array (
          'percentage_rate' => 0.014,
          'fixed_rate' => 25,
          'currency' => 'eur',
        'discount' => 
        array (
        'card' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.014,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.02,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.02,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'usd',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'bancontact' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.014,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'eps' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.018,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'ideal' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 29,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'giropay' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.014,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'p24' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.022,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'sofort' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0.014,
            'fixed_rate' => 25,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
        'sepa_debit' => 
        array (
          'base' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 35,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'additional' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'fx' => 
          array (
            'percentage_rate' => 0,
            'fixed_rate' => 0,
            'currency' => 'eur',
          'discount' => 
          array (
      'capital' => 
      array (
        'has_active_loan' => false,
        'has_previous_loans' => false,
        'loans' => 
        array (
      'fraud_services' => 
      array (
        'stripe' => 
        array (
        'sift' => 
        array (
          'beacon_key' => 'aff......',
          'sandbox_beacon_key' => '6ad0......',
      'store_currencies' => 
      array (
        'default' => 'eur',
        'supported' => 
        array (
          0 => 'eur',
      'customer_currencies' => 
      array (
        'supported' => 
        array (
          0 => 'usd',
          1 => 'aed',
          2 => 'afn',
          3 => 'all',
          4 => 'amd',
          5 => 'ang',
          6 => 'aoa',
          7 => 'ars',
          8 => 'aud',
          9 => 'awg',
          10 => 'azn',
          11 => 'bam',
          12 => 'bbd',
          13 => 'bdt',
          14 => 'bgn',
          15 => 'bif',
          16 => 'bmd',
          17 => 'bnd',
          18 => 'bob',
          19 => 'brl',
          20 => 'bsd',
          21 => 'bwp',
          22 => 'byn',
          23 => 'bzd',
          24 => 'cad',
          25 => 'cdf',
          26 => 'chf',
          27 => 'clp',
          28 => 'cny',
          29 => 'cop',
          30 => 'crc',
          31 => 'cve',
          32 => 'czk',
          33 => 'djf',
          34 => 'dkk',
          35 => 'dop',
          36 => 'dzd',
          37 => 'egp',
          38 => 'etb',
          39 => 'eur',
          40 => 'fjd',
          41 => 'fkp',
          42 => 'gbp',
          43 => 'gel',
          44 => 'gip',
          45 => 'gmd',
          46 => 'gnf',
          47 => 'gtq',
          48 => 'gyd',
          49 => 'hkd',
          50 => 'hnl',
          51 => 'hrk',
          52 => 'htg',
          53 => 'huf',
          54 => 'idr',
          55 => 'ils',
          56 => 'inr',
          57 => 'isk',
          58 => 'jmd',
          59 => 'jpy',
          60 => 'kes',
          61 => 'kgs',
          62 => 'khr',
          63 => 'kmf',
          64 => 'krw',
          65 => 'kyd',
          66 => 'kzt',
          67 => 'lak',
          68 => 'lbp',
          69 => 'lkr',
          70 => 'lrd',
          71 => 'lsl',
          72 => 'mad',
          73 => 'mdl',
          74 => 'mga',
          75 => 'mkd',
          76 => 'mmk',
          77 => 'mnt',
          78 => 'mop',
          79 => 'mro',
          80 => 'mur',
          81 => 'mvr',
          82 => 'mwk',
          83 => 'mxn',
          84 => 'myr',
          85 => 'mzn',
          86 => 'nad',
          87 => 'ngn',
          88 => 'nio',
          89 => 'nok',
          90 => 'npr',
          91 => 'nzd',
          92 => 'pab',
          93 => 'pen',
          94 => 'pgk',
          95 => 'php',
          96 => 'pkr',
          97 => 'pln',
          98 => 'pyg',
          99 => 'qar',
          100 => 'ron',
          101 => 'rsd',
          102 => 'rub',
          103 => 'rwf',
          104 => 'sar',
          105 => 'sbd',
          106 => 'scr',
          107 => 'sek',
          108 => 'sgd',
          109 => 'shp',
          110 => 'sle',
          111 => 'sll',
          112 => 'sos',
          113 => 'srd',
          114 => 'std',
          115 => 'szl',
          116 => 'thb',
          117 => 'tjs',
          118 => 'top',
          119 => 'try',
          120 => 'ttd',
          121 => 'twd',
          122 => 'tzs',
          123 => 'uah',
          124 => 'ugx',
          125 => 'uyu',
          126 => 'uzs',
          127 => 'vnd',
          128 => 'vuv',
          129 => 'wst',
          130 => 'xaf',
          131 => 'xcd',
          132 => 'xof',
          133 => 'xpf',
          134 => 'yer',
          135 => 'zar',
          136 => 'zmw',
      'country' => '(redacted)',
      'instant_deposits_eligible' => false,
      'card_present_eligible' => false,
      'has_card_readers_available' => false,
      'platform_checkout_eligible' => false,
      'business_profile' => 
      array (
        'name' => '(redacted)',
        'url' => 'https://3ddruckmuenchen.com',
        'support_address' => 
        array (
        'support_email' => NULL,
        'support_phone' => NULL,
      'branding' => 
      array (
        'icon' => NULL,
        'logo' => NULL,
        'primary_color' => NULL,
        'secondary_color' => NULL,
      'locale' => 'en_US',
      'has_more_failed_events' => false,
      'has_submitted_vat_data' => false,
      'is_documents_enabled' => true,
      'card_testing_protection_eligible' => false,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 2 replies - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • Plugin Author vendidero


    Hi Julia,

    wie kommst du darauf, dass das dasselbe Problem ist? Wenn deine Zahlungen ausstehend sind, dann konnte die Bestellung ja (ohne Fehlermeldung) offenbar aufgenommen werden. Germanized hat auf die etwaige Rückmeldung seitens Stripe keinerlei Einfluss. Bitte wende dich im Zweifel an den Support des Plugin-Anbieters.


    Thread Starter Stefan


    Julia, konntest du das Problem l?sen?

Viewing 2 replies - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • The topic ‘WooCommerce Payments-Fehlermeldung wenn Germanized aktiviert ist’ is closed to new replies.