• Resolved tacticalfreaky


    I’m having a problem with a customer who is getting error everytime he tries to pay with PayPal. I copy&paste what the log says just below (removing some private data), and FYI I’m using last version 1.6.2:

    2021-12-14T09:12:51+00:00 DEBUG POST https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders
    Request Body: {“intent”:”CAPTURE”,”purchase_units”:[{“reference_id”:”default”,”amount”:{“currency_code”:”USD”,”value”:”57.42″},”description”:””,”payee”:{“merchant_id”:”FB9Q7V7X7L698″},”shipping”:{“name”:{“full_name”:”XXXXX”},”address”:{“country_code”:”DE”,”address_line_1″:”XXXXX”,”address_line_2″:””,”admin_area_1″:””,”admin_area_2″:”XXXXX”,”postal_code”:”XXXXX”}}}],”application_context”:{“user_action”:”CONTINUE”,”shipping_preference”:”SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS”,”landing_page”:”LOGIN”,”locale”:”en-US”,”brand_name”:”Tactical Freaky”,”return_url”:”https:\/\/tacticalfreaky.com\/?wc-ajax=ppc-return-url”,”cancel_url”:”https:\/\/tacticalfreaky.com\/checkout\/”},”payer”:{“name”:{“given_name”:”XXXXX”,”surname”:”XXXXX”},”email_address”:”XXXXXXX”,”address”:{“country_code”:”DE”,”address_line_1″:”XXXXXXX”,”address_line_2″:””,”admin_area_1″:””,”admin_area_2″:”XXXXXX”,”postal_code”:”XXXXX”}},”payment_method”:{“payee_preferred”:”IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED”,”payer_selected”:”PAYPAL”}}
    Response Debug ID: 9201e42d5fb39
    Response: Array
    [code] => 201
    [message] => Created

    2021-12-14T09:12:51+00:00 DEBUG POST https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders
    Request Body: {"intent":"CAPTURE","purchase_units":[{"reference_id":"default","amount":{"currency_code":"USD","value":"57.42"},"description":"","payee":{"merchant_id":"FB9Q7V7X7L698"},"shipping":{"name":{"full_name":"XXXXXX"},"address":{"country_code":"DE","address_line_1":"XXXXX","address_line_2":"","admin_area_1":"","admin_area_2":"XXXX","postal_code":"XXXXXX"}}}],"application_context":{"user_action":"CONTINUE","shipping_preference":"SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS","landing_page":"LOGIN","locale":"en-US","brand_name":"Tactical Freaky","return_url":"https:\/\/tacticalfreaky.com\/?wc-ajax=ppc-return-url","cancel_url":"https:\/\/tacticalfreaky.com\/checkout\/"},"payer":{"name":{"given_name":"XXXXX","surname":"XXXXX"},"email_address":"XXXXX","address":{"country_code":"DE","address_line_1":"XXXXXXX","address_line_2":"","admin_area_1":"","admin_area_2":"XXXXXXX","postal_code":"XXXXX"}},"payment_method":{"payee_preferred":"IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED","payer_selected":"PAYPAL"}}
    Response Debug ID: c20dcfa925d65
    Response: Array
    [code] => 201
    [message] => Created

    2021-12-14T09:12:55+00:00 DEBUG https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/7XW61358NW324841V
    Response Debug ID: 499cba28387c0
    Response: Array
    [code] => 200
    [message] => OK

    2021-12-14T09:12:55+00:00 ERROR Order 7XW61358NW324841V is not approved yet.
    2021-12-14T09:12:55+00:00 ERROR Order approve failed: Order 7XW61358NW324841V is not approved yet.

    After the customer follows all the process (login into PayPal, confirming payment, etc), when back in the store he gets an error "Something went wrong" which in the log shows up as "Order approve failed"

    Can you help please?


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  • Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hello @tacticalfreaky

    thank you for reaching out to us, we are here to help.
    The logs you provided us show don’t directly indicate an issue with the plugin. However, it’s clear there is something going wrong for this customer. Can you try again with this customer, but then with Vaulting disabled?

    Later today we expect our next version (1.6.3) to be released, please also update this and test again. We are still working on resolving some order number related issues, so this could also be related.

    Let me know how this goes.

    Kind regards,

    When using woocommerce subscriptions and after successfully paying once with PayPal, when trying to pay again with connected Paypal account it loads for a bit and stops saying Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source.
    When checking from dev tools it says this: Error: Vault capture restart not implemented
    and other times this: Expected an order id to be passed
    I enabled logs for Paypal payments and found same logs as the thread creator.
    Can you resolve the issue?
    Note that I have Vault enabled both on PayPal and WooCommerce, and every setting is correct and double checked.

    Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hello @chrismask

    sorry for the long wait for our response, I was not working during the holiday season and we had limited supporters available.

    I would advise opening a new thread for this since I don’t think it is related to the issue described above. When you open a new thread, please share the logs and system report as well.

    If you don’t feel comfortable sharing those details on a public forum, please open a ticket with our service desk. You can find the instruction for this here: https://paypal.inpsyde.com/docs/request-support/

    Kind regards,

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