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  • Plugin Contributor Vachan Kudmule


    Once Installed, The plugins page itself will have Settings link under the Plugin Name WooCommerce PayU India (PayUmoney & PayUbiz)

    Also a direct link your-website.url/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=payuindia

    Hello Vachan
    is the plugin compatible to latest wordpress i.e 4.6.1.
    I am getting an error about deprecated methods.


    Plugin Contributor Vachan Kudmule


    Hello @sddeveloper007

    We have tested with WP v.4.6.1 and has not error for us nor for any users have yet not complained anything in this matter. It could be a specific error in conjunction with an alternative plugin.

    Screenshot of PAYUMONEY Plugin

    Sir, I have added the error screenshot. Please help me with this.

    Plugin Contributor Vachan Kudmule


    Kindly confrim the version of WooCommerce and PayU India plugin.
    As we were visiting the website, we noticed you were updatng the versions

    function process_payment($order_id){
    global $woocommerce;
    $order = new WC_Order($order_id);

    if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION, ‘2.1.0’, ‘>=’ ) ) { // For WC 2.1.0
    $checkout_payment_url = $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true );
    } else {
    $checkout_payment_url = get_permalink( get_option ( ‘woocommerce_pay_page_id’ ) );

    return array(
    ‘result’ => ‘success’,
    ‘redirect’ => add_query_arg(
    } //END-process_payment

    i changed the order to order_pay then it is redirected to payu payment site.but showing a message “Sorry, SOme problem Occured”

    Plugin Contributor Vachan Kudmule


    Please refer to WP Codex.

    The change in order to order_pay only changes the redirected URL from .../?order=#### to .../?order_pay=####

    Also good to know your deprecated has got resolved.

    Further: This is a know issue – incase of using PayU in Test Mode gives the Sorry, Some problem Occured error on the PayU page

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