Hi @fbarreto
I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!
I admit I’m not quite sure what do you mean by “products attributes sidebars”.
To show custom sidebars you first need to have some sidebars already defined by the theme and they have to have “Allow this sidebar to be replaced” option enabled (1).
Then the custom sidebar that’s created can be set to replace one or more of those existing sidebars, also based on some conditions, such as e.g. show only on products pages (2).
However, it won’t show anywhere where a “standard” sidebar wouldn’t show. If a regular sidebar is there then you’d need to
– go to “Appearance -> Widgets” page
– find a sidebar to be replaced in “Theme Sidebars” section
– enable “Allow this sidebar to be replaced” option for it
– then edit “Sidebar Location” for your custom sidebar that you want to show
– and set rules there; for example, if it’s to be shown as “Footer” sidebar on “products” pages you’d want to select “As footer for selected post types” in “For all singe entries matching selected criteria” and then select “Product” post type there.
If that’s of no help, would you please elaborate a bit on those “products attributes sidebars” that you mentioned and how did you try to set custom sidebars for them?
Kind regards,