Woocommerce product block is repeating
Hi ,really thanks for this plugin . It will work great , and perform well ?? .
However i noticed one mistake .i am using latest version of this plugin (3.5.0), and i notice that when i use this plugin to show woocommerce products, some product keep repeating in the loop .
That means a product which name is red mobile-1 , it will keep coming after loading of next 10 products , then again re mobile-1 come then other 10 product will load .
my example short code is
[ajax_load_more post_type="product" columns="4" css_classes="products" posts_per_page="8" transition="fade" taxonomy="product_cat" taxonomy_terms="mobiles" taxonomy_operator="IN" button_label=" " post__not_in="1234,1256,3456"]
My example repeater template is
<!--<li<?php if (! has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo ' class="no-img"'; } ?>> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail('alm-thumbnail'); }?> <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <p class="entry-meta"> <?php the_time("F d, Y"); ?> </p> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </li>--> <li class="product-li"> <?php wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'product' ); ?> </li>
also i am triggering load more event using the following code
jQuery(function($){ var myInterval = setInterval(function () { $.fn.almTriggerClick(); },1000); });
. Please help to solve this .
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