• Hi,

    I have some trouble with the woocommerce image Size in the Shop Presentation on my website, mean not the Produkt site itself, i mean the thumbnails in Shop, first look.

    Currently, my website is on local server, so I can not share the link. But I hope to explain correct.

    I use the azeria theme from teFox https://www.tefox.net/product/azeria it has the woocommerce inside, but the picture Size ( thumbnail ) is to small. I want it like in the Demo from the Theme but it loks not like the Shop in the Demo version.

    I have change the Size in woocommerce, have try it after changing size with plugin regenerate thumbnail and other Plugins, but nothing happen. I have change the the Theme-Funktion the Size of the related-thumbnail, but it helps not.

    Iam a beginner and i have no problem to work for the Site, but i have no idea wich costum css code i can use, or wich part in the Editor from the Site imust change. I hope somebody has a littelbit time to help me. Thx a lot…

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