• Resolved wtyzzzz



    Is there any possible way for me to edit the leading (line height) of the Woocommerce Product short description?

    I managed to edit the product title by inserting the code below in the theme css.

    .product_title {
    font-size: 3.5em;
    font-family: baskerville;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: #58595b;

    Hence, i tried many different ways to edit the product short description…


    All these did not work….
    Please help!!


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If you post a link to a page with the short description, someone may be able to help you. It’s unlikely anyone could help without this. For those unfamiliar with Woo, it would be helpful if you point out exactly what on the page comprises a short description.

    Thread Starter wtyzzzz


    It is on the woocommerce product page, when you add a new product, the edit page will have a product short description tab!

    Sorry about it, but thank you for telling me!!
    I manage to edit the leading by editing the “text” html in each description!


    I agree with bcworkz, if you post a link to your product page we can help you out, but since we dont have that, what you need to do is find the class that is wrapping the product description in your theme and then simply add something like

    .product-description { line-height:1.2em}

    or something along those lines



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