• I am trying to build an android app with woocommerce as a backend. I have latest wordpress and woocommerce. I can fetch products or orders from Admin or Store manager account, however, when I try fetching orders from a customer account I get 403 error

        "code": "woocommerce_rest_cannot_view",
        "message": "Sorry, you cannot list resources.",
        "data": {
            "status": 403

    I have not installed any other plugins. and I am using default theme of wordpress.

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  • Rynald0s


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @sourabhbelekar!

    This error generally means that the server could find the resource, but unable to grant access to the requested resource for some reason. Usually, it’s called “Forbidden access” error. Said that the API endpoint was found, the API keys/credentials used for authentication were successful, but the account or user for which APIs were generated was not authorized to request the resource. Hence, the server returned a 403 error.

    There’s a solution here:



    Thread Starter sourabhbelekar



    Thanks for your reply. As stated in original post, I can access the products and orders from Shop Manager Account. But What I want to build here is an App for Customer. So that they could make new orders and manage their own orders. Is there any way to achieve this ?

    Thanks and Regards,
    Sourabh Belekar.

    Hi @sourabhbelekar – I am having the same issue… Did you found a solution for this?

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