• I made the mistake of updating woocommerce when the last major update was released and I have been having endless problems, especially since I inherited the site recently, so I didn’t build the cart.

    The latest major issue I discovered is that the UPS and USPS shipping plugins for Woocommerce disappeared completely.
    They were not deactivated, just simply erased. As if they were never there to begin with. They were gone from both the plugin list and the file system.

    I don’t know if this happened because of an update, but this is what I know for sure:

    1) When I first inherited the cart, USPS and UPS plugins were installed and active

    2) I have since re-installed the UPS and USPS plugins (which we had bought from woo-themes) and now they appear among the other plugins in the file system

    3) Updates I made prior to the latest update already do not show those two plugins. I am trying to find my older backups from 3 months ago when I first took control of the cart.

    One thing I know for sure is that no one has intentionally removed those plugins. Yet they are not only gone, but after I installed them again no data was present at all, as if they were never installed.

    Am I dealing with magic or is there an alternate way to have woocommerce checkout with either UPS or USPS without using the plugin?

    EDIT: I just found the very first backup of the site I made back in the day, and there are no UPS or USPS plugins listed under “plugin”. This is a real mystery since no other shipping method was selected, but before the update I was able to purchase a test product and other people have been able to purchase shippable goods until this last customer that was stopped because he had no shipping selections available.

    I am at a total loss. I will take any opinion short of voodoo or aliens.

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  • Dan


    That also could be reptiloids ??

    I believe you can download those plugins again from woothemes?

    Thread Starter conticreative1


    I do believe you are right: the guys that built this website must have been reptilians alien invaders using some sort of frigging mind control.

    I do have access to the plugins. In fact, seeing the plugins among the downloads at woothemes and seeing products processed in the carts is what led me to believe UPS and USPS must have been installed and working. Yet, when I tested it I got a “no shipping option” alert. Bizarre.

    Problem is my client is convinced he gave me the account info for both but he didn’t and he is traveling, so I cannot activate them until I can get my hands on them. He probably remembers giving the info to the other team and thinks he gave them to me.

    Nothing worse than being blamed for other people’s mess.



    I’m sorry to hear of it, but I believe all will be well.

    My hypothesis is that your previous developers put those plugins into the theme directory to either beam you up to their reptilian planet 8.6 parsecs away or because they hacked into them to customize which I would say that reptilians are not what they would be. They would be of an endoparasitoid species. I hope this makes sense and glad if I can help.

    Thread Starter conticreative1


    We could go on and on with this alien stuff, couldn’t we?


    Anyway, just to conclude this thread it turned out that for whatever reasons neither the USPS or UPS plugins were ever installed. I went back and checked the backup I did when I took possession of the site (I am a compulsive hoarder of backups, especially those I make when if first get a new site) and there is no way they even ever installed either of them. I tried uninstalling them on my staging site to see if they left anything behind and indeed they did leave some traces behind (I forget what, I did this like 2 weeks ago) so the site never had these plugins. Neither were other shipping plugin active so I am left wondering how those orders taken before my administration actually worked.
    Very strange, but by now inconsequential. Those guys are back on planet lizard and the site works.

    My next challenge is to update both woocommerce and the Donation plugin. Last time I did that it wiped out the site’s cart. This time I am going to do it on the staging site first.

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