• Resolved JeanineH93



    On the vendor shop page the sidebar is missing. I have checked and the woocommerce-sidebar tag is the right one. I also tried adding a new sidebar, but this also didn’t work.
    Could you please tell me how I can show a custom sidebar on the shop page or disable the sidebar on the shop page?

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  • Dualcube


    @jeanineh – We presume the issue you are facing might be due to the theme. Can you please ensure this by switching to some default WooCommerce theme like Twenty Sixteen?


    Thread Starter JeanineH93


    Thanks for the reply. Yes indeed, it has something to do with my theme, i have reached out to the theme developers.

    However, I have another question. Is it possibile to change te position of “sold by…”?
    At the moment, it is placed between the product photo and the product title. However, I want it placed beneath the product title. Is this possible? (www.thewishlabel.com)

    Thread Starter JeanineH93


    I have an extra question. The first question I asked about the ‘sold by’is for the catalogue page.

    But on the single page, there is not being displayed who te seller is. It sort of has been asked before (topic: https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/changing-vendor-tab-and-adding-the-seller-in-meta-field/), but I would like to display the seller name (sold by seller…) underneath the product title.

    Product 1 lorem ipsum
    Sold by vendor1



    @jeanineh93 – Please add the below mentioned code in your functions.php file:

    add_action('woocommerce_product_meta_end', 'display_soldby_text');
    function display_soldby_text() { global $post, $WCMp; $vendor = get_wcmp_product_vendors($post->ID);
    $general_cap = __('Sold By: ', $WCMp->text_domain);
    if($vendor) { echo '<span class="posted_in">'.$general_cap.'<a class="by-vendor-name-link" href="'.$vendor->permalink.'">'.$vendor->user_data->display_name.'</a></span>';


    Thread Starter JeanineH93


    Hi Rimpa,

    Thanks for the code. However, this code is adding the ‘sold by’ label to the meta tags.
    I want the ‘sold by’ label right beneath the product title on the single product page.

    On the catalogue page (so the product category) i would like the ‘sold by’ label as well to be right beneath the product title.

    Could you help me with tthat?

    Thread Starter JeanineH93


    Hi Rimpa,

    I have found half of the solution, by adding the following code in the title.php from woocommerce single product.

    <h3 class=”by-vendor-name-link”><?php echo “Door: “.get_user_by(“ID”, get_post(get_the_ID())->post_author)->display_name; ?></h3>

    However, now it is displaying the product author, but it needs to be the vendor



    @jeanineh93 – For ‘sold by” label on the catalogue page, please use the below mentioned code in the theme’s functions.php file:

    function add_sold_by_text(){
       global $WCMp;
       remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', array($WCMp->vendor_caps, 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form'),30);
       add_action('woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title',array($WCMp->vendor_caps, 'wcmp_after_add_to_cart_form'),30);

    For the second query, the code you have written is correct:

    <h3 class=”by-vendor-name-link”><?php echo “Door: “.get_user_by(“ID”, get_post(get_the_ID())->post_author)->display_name; ?></h3>

    The logic here is WC-Marketplace deals with the term “Vendor” not “Author”.


    Thread Starter JeanineH93


    Hi Rimpa,

    Thanks for the help, but the code is not working. The vendor info is still above the product title.
    I would like it to be between the product title and the price.



    @jeanineh93 – Please reach us through our official support forum so that we can look into the matter and help you out.


    I’m the same issue regarding shop sidebar missing. Would love to get some help with this issue!

    @dre380 We presume the issue you are facing might be due to the theme. Can you please ensure this by switching to some default WooCommerce theme like Twenty Sixteen?


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