I have noticed that it maybe within wordpress itself and not the plugins or themes (maybe i’m wrong?)
Can you share more details about how you’ve determined this? The reason I ask is because usually, issues like these are related to the theme or plugins you may have that modify how the theme displays images.
The easiest way to verify that is to temporarily switch your theme to the default Storefront theme. Then, disable all plugins on the site except for WooCommerce, and test for the issue. You’ll also want to disable any customizations or CSS you may have added to the site.
If the issue is gone, you’ll then have to re-enable features one by one, while testing for the issue; until you find out which one is causing this behavior.
We recommend that these steps are taken on a staging site, which is a clone of your live site that you can modify without risking making any permanent damage to your live site. You can create it using a plugin like WP-Staging.
This plugin lets you copy and redeploy a WordPress site with minimal work.
]]>To answer your question on how i’ve determined that is i’ve tried switching themes that i’ve installed, and all still have the same issue. I’ve disabled “some” of the plugins while switching themes but not all.
I’ll try what you’ve suggested and see if it makes any difference. Thank you again.
Will update soon.
So I’ve done as fhaps advised and it seems to have helped to diagnose the issue. It turned out to be two conflicting plugins which I’ve deleted and installed a new plugin. I haven’t had an alignment issue since however, it did affect my Swatches. It no longer works, as to every time I select a different variant, the product never changes. IF there’s a solution for this that would be great. I’ve been so busy lately I’ve decided to just disable the swatch variant plugin until I can find a solution.
Thank you @fhaps. I hope others who have similar issue can find this post helpful.
P.S. If anyone has a solution to the variant swatch issue I would love to hear your thoughts. I’ll update this post if and when I do find a solution myself.
]]>About the swatches, there might be another conflict with the swatch plugin you are using. You might want to look at other alternatives to add that functionality. Not sure which one you currently have installed, but I recommend looking at Variation Swatches and Photos.
Since the original issue has been solved I’ll proceed to close this thread.