Good job, Forest Skills. Thank you, you’ve saved me a ton of time! ??
I observed within the woocommerce.css that the star ratings has two main styles that affect their appearance.
- .star-rating:before – I found this to affect the stars outline
- .star-rating span – works as described above by Forest Skills. This will affect the actual star font itself, i.e. the filling.
So in my style.css, I used this:
.woocommerce .star-rating:before,.woocommerce-page .star-rating:before{color:#FFC435;}
.woocommerce .star-rating span,.woocommerce-page .star-rating span{color:#FFC435}
There are other settings that can be changed here as well, such as padding, positionting, etc., as in Forest Skills’ example.
I added these styles to my styles.css file. If that doesnt work for your site, it might be because the woocommerce stylesheet needs to be overridden.
In which case, click this link for more info:
Hope this helps