WooCommerce support for Pique theme
Given the general purpose behind the wonderful design of the Pique Theme, I’m kind of surprised and shocked that it isn’t WooCommerce compatible out of the box.
I’m aware of solutions like https://docs.woothemes.com/document/third-party-custom-theme-compatibility/, but has there been any discussion of putting the functionality in natively?
Has anyone done this already that can share code?
stephenwrks –
The Pique theme I installed came from the document page and has the name pique-wpcom. Ola’s folder is rightly named pique-child.
Yep – this is the issue. You’ll need to make sure the child theme’s template name matches your parent theme folder name. Since Pique isn’t yet in the www.ads-software.com repo and you downloaded the WordPress.com version, you’ll need to go into the child theme’s style.css file and change this line:
Template: pique
Template: pique-wpcom
Let me know how it goes.
Ok will give that a try and on the point about location, do I add Ola’s folder within the parent theme or alongside?
Child themes should be at the same directory level as all other themes, so alongside.
woohoooo – it worked ?? I noticed many of the pages weren’t in there and so went to Customise to add them in the panel sections so they now appear on the home page but no menu ?? any idea?
But the shop is working much better – sidebar where its should be – awesome ??
Ignore the menu point – found the setting ??
Ok I’ve found a few small issues – don’t think it has anything to do with the new child theme since they were there before. I captured and annotated a screenshot that you can view here: https://arkvintage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screen-Shot-2016-03-24-at-16.14.55.png
Above screenshot is of a blog post for your info.
By the way Kathryn – is it okay to continue here with these small queries or is there a better way – new thread maybe?
awesome, will do and thanks again for all your help Kathryn ?? catch you in the other thread
@kathryn and Ola, thanks for the tweaks and the child theme! I hope that Ola is dumping the code back to Sarah or wherever you keep it internally, so that Woo support is at least partially baked in when it’s released to the .org side. I’m sure it may be on the theme’s internal roadmap, but don’t forget to declare WooCommerce support in functions.php when the final version is rolled out.
I particularly liked the careful thought to keep the theme’s buttons consistent as well as the change from 3 columns of products instead of 4. The only tweak I might further suggest is the color of the “add to cart”, “proceed to checkout”, and “pay” buttons (see https://boffosockobooks.com/product/amerikan-krazy/ which I’ve not restyled presently to highlight the existence) which all appear as purple [#a46497]. (Though the purple helps to highlight them, I wanted to make sure it was a conscious design choice rather than an oversight.) Either way, throwing the CSS code for the changes on these directly into the bundle makes it much easier for less sophisticated users to tweak the code later.
Other than that, I’ve looked through most portions fairly carefully and everything seems to be working as I’d expect it to without any glaring issues/errors. My thanks to you, Sarah, and Ola for the beautiful work that went into this as well as the after-the-fact adjustments.
@stephenwrks, A few things in the theme that you might consider taking advantage of and using on your current page are increasing the featured image opacity (25, 50, 75, or 100%) of the photos using the theme customizer/theme options/panels 1-8. This will let you “brighten” up your page without making the foreground text difficult to read and highlight the beauty of your photos.
You might also consider creating a secondary menu called “social” in the menu interface with custom items being links to your social media sites and then in the customizer/menu section setting the footer menu to use this menu. Then your social media bugs will appear in the footer of the page rather than into the second widget where it’s at now. This will help streamline and balance out your page a bit (See the Custom Menus section at https://theme.wordpress.com/themes/pique/ and https://en.support.wordpress.com/menus/social-links-menu/ for more details.)
chrisaldrich – thanks for your feedback and you’re very welcome!
I hope that Ola is dumping the code back to Sarah or wherever you keep it internally, so that Woo support is at least partially baked in when it’s released to the .org side.
The WooCommerce child theme will remain separate and not part of the .org release.
I’m sure it may be on the theme’s internal roadmap, but don’t forget to declare WooCommerce support in functions.php when the final version is rolled out.
Good catch – I’ve added it in.
Though the purple helps to highlight them, I wanted to make sure it was a conscious design choice rather than an oversight.
I checked with Ola and the purple was intentional to differentiate them from other types of buttons. Definitely something that’s easy to change if you prefer another colour, though.
@stephenwrks, A few things in the theme that you might consider taking advantage of
If you have further suggestions for stephenwrks, feel free to add to his other thread, where he’s working on final tweaks.
For anyone else who might find it helpful, here are the two updated WooCommerce-compatible Pique child themes:
https://cloudup.com/cxo5cXmtoL1 – this version is already set to work with the parent theme downloaded from WordPress.com, where the folder name is
https://cloudup.com/cjlUD8fI0PF – this version is ready to work with the www.ads-software.com version of Pique once it’s available in the theme repo, where the folder name will be
. (It’s still in the review queue now.)—–
I’m going to close this thread now, but I wanted to thank you both again for your valuable input.
Once Pique is in the www.ads-software.com theme repo, it’ll have its own support forum. In the meantime, if anyone needs further help with the self-hosted version of Pique downloaded from WordPress.com, post in the www.ads-software.com general themes forum:
Tag your post with wpcom-theme in the tags area to be sure it will get attention:
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