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  • Also? try to manually update the Woocommerce:

    Just delete(or rename) the current woocommerce directory in the plugins,
    and FTP upload the new wocommerce version.

    It will only ask for reconfiguring the database.

    Btw, if you are using Pretty Permalinks, SAVE your permalink settings and WooCommerce settings, although you have not change anything yet.

    I have Woocommerce activated on one site in a WordPress network installation. The language update button sends me to the network update page, but when I get there there is nu mention anymore of the language update.

    I have Woocommerce activated on one site in a WordPress network installation. The language update button sends me to the network update page, but when I get there there is no mention anymore of the language update.

    I have Woocommerce activated on one site in a WordPress network installation. The language update button sends me to the network update page, but when I get there there is no mention anymore of the language update.

    Is your site a part of a MultiSite/Network installation?

    Sometimes MU setups differs from the one-site only installations and will need a fix or some kind of turn around!

    Sorry about the repetition. Got an error in stead of a page reload

    Same problem here. I’m on multisite, wp 4.0.

    When I click “Update translation” on my child site, i’m send to the network update page (update-core.php), but there is nothing there to update… I tried to put all older po and mo files by ftp in the i18n/languages folder, but nothing happens…

    Sure worth a look … ??

    So, i’m answering to myself about one question.

    Putting the woocommerce .mo files in wp-content/languages/plugins is ok. I read about the path change on another thread

    But the translation automatic update still doesn’t worK.


    Plugin Contributor Claudio Sanches


    You can download the translations from
    And install in wp-content/languages/plugins.

    Yes, thanks Claudio. That’s what i’ve done. Waiting for the debugging of the new automatic translation download/update function… ??

    @hboswijk : Same problem about the posting on this forum. Blank page after “post”, but the message is posted…

    Thread Starter sanderrw


    Installing those translations in wp-content/languages/plugins worked for me… at least translations work now.

    I still have WooCommerce version 2.2.0 and I am still unable to update it to the newest version, as I get following error:
    Downloaden update van…

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file /home/sandedv99/domains/ because Permission denied in /home/sandedv99/domains/ on line 155

    Warning: unlink(/home/sandedv99/domains/ [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/sandedv99/domains/ on line 457
    Download mislukt. De doelmap voor het streamen van bestanden bestaat niet of er kan niet naar worden geschreven.

    Any idea how to solve this?

    Plugin Contributor Claudio Sanches


    @sanderrw Make the installation manually. But understand that your server is saying that this “Permission denied” and not us.

    Thread Starter sanderrw


    When I make it manually my entire system collapse. I gave this particular file full permission, but it doesn’t work.

    Thread Starter sanderrw


    Thread Starter sanderrw

    (@sanderrw) –> what path should it lead to?

    This is how mine looks like: define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’,dirname(__FILE__).’/wp-content/uploads’);

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