• I’m using WooCommerce and wish to use variations on the product page of a new site created a few days ago.

    I’ve followed all the directions on the https://docs.woothemes.com/document/product-variations/ webpage.

    I just cannot get the variations to save and display. I’ve tried ‘linking all’ and adding individual ones – but they don’t appear on the products page, or seem to actually ‘save’ themselves on the product so I can then re-edit them afterwards (as in the prices or even choices for reach variation – are they supposed to? – I guess they are but there’s no detailed documentation on this).

    I’m guessing this is an error but I have no idea. It could be something I’m doing wrong though again I’ve followed everything and looked at forums and not seen any other early issues such as this where yuou can’t even set them up.

    I’ve checked and double checked. All variations I’ve added have:

    1. the price
    2. suitable choices from pre-written variations (i.e. size, colour)
    3. the attributes are ‘visible’ and ‘used for variations’
    4. a default choice has been chosen.

    Please help!


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  • I am having the EXACT same problem and I’m starting to freak out.

    You’ve got a lot of variations on that particular product, don’t you? I had a similar issue, and had to move to a less helpful variation matrix. Couple possible issues that I found that might help you:

    if you’re on dreamhost (or maybe other hosts): https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/53750/woocommerce-too-many-variations

    what seemed to be causing the error for me, and I fixed by just reducing the variations (for whatever reason, i’ve found php 5.4.x to work best for me on dreamhost…not sure if this is what’s causing the errors for me, and if I stepped back to 5.3.x it would work better). I definitely don’t know what this is all about, and I didn’t even try to muck around in my htaccess, because I’m not even sure suhosin is running on my server…:

    regardless, moving to fewer variations fixed it for me; I just had to have some that were “any ____”, instead of defining each one as a separate variation. Obviously that doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s a stopgap fix for me at this point so things actually show up on the site like they should.

    In my case the answer was to add a different price for each variation. I had been trying for days to get variations on my products and finally read the last line of the instructions, which say a price is required for each variation. Otherwise, they won’t show.

    Hope that helps. I think the instructions could be a lot clearer.

    @omigosh I have the same problem. Isn’t this a bug? Why do the prices have to be different?

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