• Hello everyone…

    I’m trying to get a site online for my wife. All is going well so far, but I’m having trouble with the sidebar. I’d like to keep it on the main page only, but remove it from all other pages. Even with very limited content so far, the site is: https://www.aprilsneattreats.com. I’ve been able to remove the sidebar from the “Cart”, “Checkout”, and “My Account” pages, but cannot find a way to remove it from the “Shop” or individual product pages, as well as the “Contact” page. At the present time, I’ve tried the following:

    1. Set all pages to the template (full width). This worked for the above mentioned “Cart”, “Checkout”, and “My Account” pages, but no others.

    2. Added the following code to “custom.css”. This set the pages to use the full width of the site, but the grey sidebar area still remains.
    .woocommerce #main{width:100%}

    3. Commented out the line below in “theme-woocommerce.php”. This removes sidebar content only.
    add_action( 'woo_main_after', 'woocommerce_get_sidebar', 10);

    These are the only things I’ve tried that I’ve had (some) success with. I’ve tried other solutions found in the forum, but none seem to work for me, unless I’m doing something wrong.

    I would really appreciate any assistance anyone can provide. Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter Chuck


    Can anyone assist with this?

    Hi there,
    I don’t know the answer but I have the same question. I did check your website and I believe to manage to remove the side bar. right?
    Please could you say how did you do it?
    Thank you

    Hi there,
    I don’t know the answer but I have the same question. I did check your website and I believe to manage to remove the side bar. right?
    Please could you say how did you do it?
    Thank you

    Here is how to remove the sidebar.

    go to wp-content/plugins/woocommerce

    in file single-product.php remove the following code

    		 * woocommerce_sidebar hook
    		 * @hooked woocommerce_get_sidebar - 10

    next edit the file archive-product.php and remove the following code

    		 * woocommerce_sidebar hook
    		 * @hooked woocommerce_get_sidebar - 10

    next we have to edit the style.css in your theme folder
    add the following before the } tag on the last line

    NOTE: You can not add the /* */ to the line it will not comment it out.

    hi would this work?


    Hi Chuck and Everyone else that is out there!

    I’ve noted that you had changed the background in your wootique: please could you tell me how to do this?

    At moment I don’t know what is going on with my own wootique: it seems to have a mind of its own with every single different browsers!

    – The Slider button is gone & slider is no longer working or rotating when hoover over objects;

    – Text in every buttons is too bright to read when you hoover over it;

    – Every time the back ground colour is changed; the container colour and others are automatically being changed as well;

    – Have tried tried to install background image, but it only show half way;

    – The footer does not align correctly either!

    – As am writing this the text detail on the Feature Products no longer there anymore!

    Have been reading a lot of posts here & tried to follow other people solutions – no luck yet!

    I have been watching this video and that video on You Tube and tried Googling around to find some solution: had been meddling with the Style Sheet – copy it into the Custom CSS for modification AND still no avail – am poop!

    I would extremely appreciated if anybody out there could please shed some light for me!

    My site is: https://www.shoppingbillboard.com

    Many thanks in advance to everyone!

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