• Resolved deleted


    Error Trying to Update the Updater
    ‘An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with www.ads-software.com or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.’

    Developers who don’t let you dismiss their messages should try and understand how this affects the community. Site owners who like to work on their own sites don’t want to see messages like this:
    “Install the WooThemes Updater plugin to get updates for your WooThemes plugins.” It’s confusing when we tell them their site is up to date, for example.

    Woo plugins should be in the repository. Stop hiding and work on your support ethics please.


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  • Hi Brent,

    Thanks for your feedback here.

    To clarify, the message doesn’t have a dismiss link on purpose, as receiving updates for products is extremely important. If we release a security patch, for example, we want our customers to know about this and to keep their websites secure.

    The “error connecting to www.ads-software.com” message is related to your web host blocking a connection to WooThemes.com to download our Helper plugin.

    Please contact your web host and request that connections to WooThemes.com and to Amazon S3 be opened up. If they are unable to assist there, please open a ticket with WooThemes Support at https://support.woothemes.com/ where we can assist further.

    Thanks and regards,

    Chief Product Officer at WooThemes

    Thread Starter deleted


    I clicked a link you put in my dash and it lead to a broken link that you also created. Yeah, see how quickly it gets fixed blaming the customer and their web host.

    Way to win me over.

    Btw, 3 of the 4 plugins customers have forced me to buy from you don’t work. I’ll call my web host and see if they can fix that too.

    Hi Brent,

    I’d highly recommend you contact our WooThemes helpdesk directly where we can work with you to resolve the issues you’re encountering.

    I’m really sorry for the inconvenience caused here.

    Thanks and regards,

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