• Hello Out There,

    I am a new user on my blog https://www.frandorf.com (also known as
    bruisedmuse.com) and quite challenged. I have my wordpress for dummies book, but I guess I must be dumber than a dummy. ARE THERE ANY CLASSES or TUTORIALS I can take in the New York/Connecticut area?

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  • Well you’ve got a working web-site so you’re way beyond the ‘dummy’ stage!

    I added a ‘tutorial’ tag to this thread so click on that for related threads.

    Also look at some of the 70 or so articles listed in the WordPress Lesson category of Codex.

    Thread Starter frandorf


    Thanks MichaelH, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I paid someone to set this up for me, and now I’m on my own. Whenever I consult the Dummies book or the wordpress lessons or codex, it differs in substantial ways from what I see. For example the dummies book says: “Click the Add New link that appears next to the Categories heading, and then “to add a new blogroll category, be sure to select blogroll in the category parent dropdown menu.” But unfortunately there is no “blogroll” in the category parent dropdown menu, only my list of other categories. I can’t seem to figure out what to do. These are my questions at the moment:
    1.) Can I make subcategories in the blogroll? Is this possible? So for example, my blogroll would say:
    links to my articles
    links to my interviews
    Friends of Bruisedmuse
    links to my friends
    My blog guy (whom I paid plenty) says there isn’t a way to do this. I think there MUST be a way to do this.
    2.)Also I’ve been trying to upload an MP3 of an interview I did, but it keeps coming up empty. Ideally I’d like to link this under interviews
    in the blogroll.

    1. I don’t see sub-categories there, just categories. Have you tried creating categories for Links and seeing the results on your blog?

    2. Might use FTP to upload the MP3 file to a folder in your web-root folder then use a link to that.

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