• The CSS “word-wrap: break-word;” breaks the words in the table in undesirable ways and words are shown in the most odd manner both when the page is taking the maximum area available on the site (ie resizing the browser’s window the table no longer expands) and even worse when resizing the window to smaller sizes.

    For instance at the widest the table shows the words Intermediate Course as:

    e Yoga

    resizing would cause words to break in ways such as

    iate Yoga

    OR something like

    Yoga for

    Furthermore the breaking of words doesn’t happen consistently throughout a row. When resizing the browser window items listed (for instance) Sun~Wed are broken differently than those listed in Thurs~Sat on the same row.

    Suggestion: placing an ellipsis for overflowing text would better serve the purpose of showing consistently and correctly the information within the schedule in the current layout.

    Perhaps a different layout allowing display when side columns are present on a wordpress site, would help display weekly schedule in a more pleasing and correct way.

    Plugin is nice and has good potential. At this time is not usable due to the incorrect displaying issues which I hope will get fixed soon.

    Best ??


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