These are the results:
Wordfence Status General information about the Wordfence installation.
Filesystem Ability to read/write various files.
Checking if web server can read from ~/plugins/wordfence
Checking if web server can write to ~/plugins/wordfence
Checking if web server can read from ~/wp-content/wflogs
File “wafRules.rules” does not exist
Checking if web server can write to ~/wp-content/wflogs
File “wafRules.rules” does not exist
Wordfence Config Ability to save Wordfence settings to the database.
Wordfence Firewall Current WAF configuration.
MySQL Database version and privileges.
PHP Environment PHP version, important PHP extensions.
Connectivity Ability to connect to the Wordfence servers and your own site.
Connecting to Wordfence servers (http)
Connecting to Wordfence servers (https)
Connecting back to this site
wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
FYI, I installed WordPress and Wordfence for several other sites recently. All worked, apart from this one. I checked with the ISP who states: Hi Stephen,
Thankyou for waiting.
I have checked a couple of aspects and it looks like there may be an issue with the Wordfence scanning servers.
I can see that had maintenance yesterday on their Twitter
If I try manually connecting I am unable to, please see below:
–2018-04-25 10:57:28–
Connecting to||:443…
It may be worth dropping a message to Wordfence support to confirm if they are still having issues.
Any questions please let me know.