Hi @baseball-cap
It looks like your theme or another plugin may not be compatible with WordPress 5.5 due to the change of deprecation for the jQuery Migrate JavaScript library and your theme or another plugin is now breaking our JavaScript.
Install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin below and see if the Wordfence Live Traffic page loads properly now:
So that we can see what theme and plugins are active on your site please send your Wordfence diagnostics report. Please go to the top of the “Diagnostics” tab on the Wordfence “Tools” page. There will be a “SEND REPORT BY EMAIL” button to send the diagnostics report. Enter wftest [at] wordfence [dot] com as the email and @baseball-cap as the forum username please.
Once you have emailed me the diagnostics report can you reply here to let me know that it has been sent. This is important in the unlikely event that your installation of WordPress is having an issue with sending mail.
You can test to see what is causing the problem by using a maintenance mode plugin. You can run the tests on your theme and other plugins and your site visitors will see a maintenance mode page rather than a broken site as you switch themes and deactivate plugins.
We strongly recommend that you create a full working backup of your site file system and database first as a precaution.
Install and activate a popular maintenance mode plugin that is compatible with your version of WordPress.
Install the default Twenty Twenty WordPress theme.
Now switch to the Twenty Twenty theme and deactivate all plugins on the WordPress Plugins page except for Wordfence and the maintenance mode plugin.
See if the Live Traffic page loads properly now.
If the Live Traffic page still doesn’t work then it could be one of the following:
1) There is an issue with WordPress itself.
2) A Must-Use plugin is causing a conflict and they will need to be manually deactivated and I can send further instructions.
You can activate all plugins again that you use, switch to your normal theme and deactivate the maintenance mode plugin.
If the Live Traffic page loads properly then switch to your normal theme. If the Live Traffic page doesn’t load properly then your theme is the cause of the problem.
If the Live Traffic page loads properly then your theme is not the cause. You can activate each deactivated plugin individually and test the Live Traffic page until it breaks and we will know which plugin is the cause.
Once you find out the cause then you can inform the theme or plugin author that their software is not compatible with WordPress 5.5 so that they can fix it.
You can cease tests at any time and activate all plugins again that you use, switch to your normal theme and deactivate the maintenance mode plugin.