wordfence tables and scan results
Hallo again, i installed wordfence on another client site on 6th october and scan results arrived saying that i have high severity issue with unknown files in wp core.
i have also backups on server side / is it possibile that wordfence see this as high severity issue? / i’m checking this from server side also / is it possibile that high severity risk email i received is (in this case) is a false positive?
Also the database doubled in size. We couldnt find out what was the problem and i found out after i search on forum that maybe is false positive, but how to esclude?
the wordfence tables, in particular wffilemods get 10mb wfknownfilelist got – 25 mb !!! wf issues 4mb wf knownfilelist 7mb. how to proceed in order to clean this tables? And also should i ignore this scan results? This is the more less type of files that scan sent me with email:
* Unknown file in WordPress core: wp-includes/wp-includes/blocks/media-text/style.css
also in wp-admin etc. 1471 issues more less. Thanks for your kind reply.
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