Is your site using an external cache, such as Varnish? Usually you can find this in your hosting company’s control panel, if so — disabling it is usually best, as it can affect many parts of WordPress and Wordfence, and other plugins. (A cache may be saving an old token, which causes this message.)
Varnish or another cache can also cause the fake Google crawler message — once you are able to log in again, you will need to change the option “How does Wordfence get IPs” on the Wordfence options page. Depending on your server’s setup, you probably need to choose the X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For option, or if you also use CloudFlare, then choose the CF-Connecting-IP option. More details on the options are here:
How does Wordfence get IPs
After setting the option, you can verify it is working by looking at the Live Traffic page, and visiting the site in a separate browser where you are not logged in, and verify that your own IP appears in your own visits. (If Live Traffic is disabled, try logging in using the second browser, since logins and logouts are still recorded.)
-Matt R