• Resolved JanSnowski


    Firstly thanks for a great plugin.

    I use the WordFence security plugin and after I installed TablePress yesterday I received this warning:

    Filename: wp-content/plugins/js_composer/assets/lib/php.default/php.default.min.js
    File type: Not a core, theme or plugin file.
    Issue first detected: 3 hours 25 mins ago.
    Severity: Critical
    Status New

    This file is a PHP executable file and contains the word ‘eval’ (without quotes) and the word ‘base64_decode(‘ (without quotes). The eval() function along with an encoding function like the one mentioned are commonly used by hackers to hide their code.

    Please explain and let me know if I have to be worried about this.


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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    From what I can see, this is not related to TablePress at all. I assume that installing TablePress simply triggered another run of WordFence checking your plugin folder for suspicious activity.

    The plugin that is causing this warning is the “js_composer” plugin (or WPBakery Visual Composer in long?) (installed in /wp-content/plugins/js_composer/ on your server).
    If you did not install that, you should probably delete that entire folder and investigate (maybe with the help of your webhost) how it got there.


    Thread Starter JanSnowski


    Hi Tobias,
    Apologies for the false alarm, I will ask my techie who runs our server to investigate.
    Thanks again for a great plugin.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Janek,

    no worries! It could indeed be an actual false alarm, but that’s only something that the developer of that other plugin can answer.

    Best wishes,

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