• I’m new to this stuff, so please bare with me.
    I’m running a windows 2000 pro box, using Apache 2.0.52. I originally installed mySQL 4.0.21, php 4.3.9 and wordpress 1.2 and got it all working. Then I immediately decided that I wanted to go with mySQL 4.1.7 because it looked like it would be easier to work with and I wanted to move the database off fro mteh default location. So I deleted / uninstalled everything and started again.
    So now I’m trying to get this going using mySQL 4.1.7 and PHP 5.0.2. I can get phpmyadmin going with no problems, able to create and manipulate the database. However, when I try to install wordpress, I get a page telling me that it was unable to connect to the database. I’ve tried with the most recent wordpress build, 1.2 and 1.2.1 without any success. The best guess that I can make is that 4.1.7 only likes php connections that use the php_mysqli extension set, and WordPress doesn’t currently support this.
    Any help would be appreciated

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  • Problem — MySQL 4.1.7 cannot be connected to by the standard PHP MySQL Extension. You have to the the mysqli extension instead. The problem with that is all the function names in the mysqli extension are different and I don’t believe there is support for it in WordPress at this time.
    If I am correct, which I am pretty sure I am you will need to step back down to a 4.0.x verion *or* getting hacking away in PHP and provide us with a layer that can handle multiple databases. (WP support for Pear::db would be real nice)

    Also be aware that WP 1.2 and PHP 5 don’t really work together.

    And that PHP is not necessarily supported on Apache2 even if it runs okish – the PHP people are not ready to stand behind it yet and have zillions of disclaimers scattered throughout there documentation.

    Thread Starter emorgoch


    That’s what I figured. I’ve now got my site up and running under mySQL 4.0.22 and PHP 5. You know, the documentation for wordpress should really mention something about this. i.e. if it says mySQL 3.2.3 or higher, I expect it to work for 4.1.x.

    I was able to get wordpress running under mysql 4.1.7 and php 4.3.8. I used the new mysqladmin to start the server with the old passwords flag enabled. Then I used webmin to create the user and password. I am running the server on a linux machine so I don’t know what client you would use in windows to make a 4.0.x password.

    This is the fix… When you create a new db user you must set the password MANUALLY… This is a clip from the mySQL manual…
    To change the password but create a short hash, use the OLD_PASSWORD() function instead:
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR ‘some_user’@’some_host’ = OLD_PASSWORD(‘mypass’);
    It now works like a charm for me… ??

    Thread Starter emorgoch


    Whoever you are: THANK YOU!!!
    I did that, and it worked fine right off the top. No idea what it did (besides reset the password), but thanks. The Wiki FAQ should definitly be upgraded with this info.

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