Well this might work for you guys, it certainly worked for me.
I had the same problem but then looked at the page with another theme. Of course I had created a php file to call upon, as I don’t know how these “Pages” work, and I don’t think they’re very easy to use – and apparently you can’t search them either!
Anyway, here’s the code I used, but try it without the divs, and see if it works, I added them just to be double certain because frankly I have no idea what I’m doing:
< ?php /*
Template Name: About
? >
< ?php include “header.php”; ?>
< br />
< div id=”wrapper”>
< div id=”insidewrapper”>
< div class=”post”>
< h2>About me< /h2>
This is where you can type text about yourself.
< ?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
< ?php the_content(); ?>
< ?php endwhile; endif; ?>
< /div>
< /div>
< /div>
< br />
< ?php include “footer.php”; ?>
I’ve added spaces at the start and end of all of these so just remove the spaces before putting them into a file called whatever.php (whatever being the page name that you want).
Then in pages you will see default template. Select the php file and name it whatever the name of the PHP file is and enter some content.
Give it a shot – it works for me, hope it works for you to. I’m not sure about just clicking pages to display anything, there seems something wrong there as it doesn’t work for me, or some of you. Perhaps it works for everyone else?
Also try this thread:
If anyone can translate that into English, it would be most welcome. I don’t code much of it is jargon