• Piggy


    Has anyone else noticed the theme competition blog has disappeared?

    Am I the only one who thinks we’ve all been had?

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  • Bhoney


    I noticed it was gone as well….



    The site now says it was hacked and they had no back up.

    Very odd and unfortunate…



    I’m one of the qualified competitor and I’m so disappointed about this incident. Very odd indeed.



    It might have been hacked by a disgruntled theme contributor getting annoyed by the fact that any emails asking what the heck is going on with the compeition were returned by an automated response email saying that “I’ll get back to you soon”. It didn’t look like anything happened on that site in a couple months, either.

    Thread Starter Piggy


    I have to confess I’m finding this whole thing very odd indeed.

    As someone else has already pointed out on the competition blog, it seems very unusual that there had been no backups, no copies of emails, no copies of submitted themes, etc.

    But hey, the guy might be telling the truth.

    Seems mighty suspicious though that he doesn’t appear to be in any really hurry to sort the whole sorry mess out. His responses to the whole situation are appearing more and more like he is trying to cover his back now that people have started complaining loudly.

    I hope I’m wrong. But peoples suspicions have been raised, which will be difficult for him to recover from.



    I find no relevance from being hacked and not having copies of emails and submitted themes. It’s his site that has been hacked and not his computer. Therefore, he must still have the copies of both. Hmmm, weird.



    Ummmm… haven’t you guys figured out that you have been had by now? Why this person would do this is anyone’s guess, but without a doubt this was a hoax and many have been saying as much for weeks now.Plus the excuses being given on the site just don’t ring true at all.I mean really, didn’t one lone person new to WP running a theme competition raise anyone’s eyebrows… lol.



    Is there a link to that site for when it is back on line again. I would like to go in that contest.



    am I missing something?


    this IS the site youre talking about, right?

    I think it’s this..



    Just found it. But I cant see anything about submitting a theme.



    edit, nevermind. I see

    Thread Starter Piggy


    It’s interesting to see that he (the competition blog owner) replies to comments left that sympathise with him, but does NOT reply to any critical, or suspicious.

    Hell, he’s even just replied to someone who asked if he can still submit a theme with the response ‘yes, send it to my email, but it wont be included in this competition’ – does anyone else suspect he’s just collecting themes for himself, or perhaps for sale?

    I’ve left a number of comments on the competition blog – none of which have been answered. In fact, none of them have even been released from the moderation queue for anyone to see. I wonder why?

    I wonder just how old this character is and why he did it.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that everyone has been conned by a ten year old.



    Justin [KCYAP] made contact with me a few months ago, asking if I would share the code for the Theme Viewer, as he wanted a means of displaying all the themes in his competition. We [Alphaoide, Steve and myself] had a bit of a think about it and decided that the best course of action was to throw all the competition themes in the Theme Viewer and tag them as Competition Entries. This seemed to be a logical move and Justin came back with a response saying that he would like to follow that suggestion.

    He then asked me to be a judge and I said I would be glad to help out. He also said he would start sending some themes in the next day or so – but they never arrived. And that, to put it simply, is the END.

    I have not heard anything again from Justin and had no replies from emails asking if this was still happening and did he still want me to be a judge. Judging can be a very time-consuming task and I wanted to try and make a few plans so that it would not become too onerous.

    But it looks as if something sinister has happened to Justin or the competition has just fallen over for whatever reason.

    If anyone does find out what is really going on – please let me know:)

    And Justin – if you need help and feel weighted down with all of this – just holler and I am sure people will come to your aid ??



    Since it’s doubtful Justin will ever post the themes people entered in the competition, it would be cool if someone else would collect and post them. Okay, I’m just selfish, I just want to see all the new themes! =)

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