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  • Kafkaesqui


    If you can export from your self-hosted WP blog to the MT (MovableType) format, you could theoretically import that to your account.

    See this for one possible way to export to MT:

    Just note that blogs are not supported here. You may want to follow up on this at:

    Thread Starter rizzyc


    I downloaded that updated plugin WPexport 0.3. I activated the plugin but when I go to option and Export, I dont see any options where it says download file. Here is the coding that displays.

    <div id='error'>
    <p class='wpdberror'>WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'wp_users.user_nickname' in 'field list']
    SELECT wp_posts.post_date, wp_posts.post_content, wp_posts.post_title, wp_users.user_nickname, wp_posts.post_status, wp_comments.comment_author, wp_comments.comment_content, wp_comments.comment_author_email, wp_comments.comment_author_url, wp_comments.comment_date, wp_post2cat.category_id, wp_categories.cat_name FROM wp_comments RIGHT OUTER JOIN wp_posts ON ( wp_comments.comment_post_ID = wp_posts.ID ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_users ON ( wp_posts.post_author = wp_users.ID ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_post2cat ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_post2cat.post_id ) LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_categories ON (wp_post2cat.category_id = wp_categories.cat_ID)



    There is no file to download as there is a WordPress database error, hence there is nothing to put into a file.



    Hmm. Pre-2.0 plugin problems…

    Try this script of mine instead (not a plugin):

    There’s another similar PHP script out there, but it requires configuring your db info in it. With mine just drop it in the directory where wp-config.php resides, access it through your web browser, and save the output locally to a text file.

    Tip: During import if you have a lot of posts and the import process stops prematurely (or you get a maximum execution time error), just reload (refresh) the page. It will not import duplicates, and should continue on from the last post imported.

    EDIT: Don’t use this to import just yet! Seems there was a change in how the MT format is handled with 2.0, and this script causes some delimiter text to be imported with the posts. I’m working it…

    2ND EDIT: Issue with delimiter text resolved. Output of script is good to go for import.

    Thread Starter rizzyc


    WOW, this really works, I think it got most of the stuff from my blog but at the end some gets cut off after I get this error.
    <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/.salamander/b1sswc59/</b> on line <b>55</b>

    Thread Starter rizzyc


    … is this for comments only???
    I hope not, I’m importing it right now onto my free blog. I’ll keep you updates.



    I made a small change to the script which should alleviate that error (linked file above reflects the change). And no, it doesn’t just export comments. :)

    Thread Starter rizzyc


    Wow, Kafkaesqui. Thanks man this thing actually works… I got all my posts back. The only problem is that some of my dates are off whack like, January 1970. I wasnt born back then. If I run your script again and then re-import it into will it fix the old ones or do i have to delete them some how?



    1. You can’t reimport over posts. Duplicates are simply ignored by WP’s (and’s) importer.

    2. I can’t explain the date issue you hit. I’m positive the script is displaying the date/time in the correct format. If you look at the export file for some of the posts importing as Jan 1 1970, what does the DATE: line show you?

    Thread Starter rizzyc


    I looked in the export file and searched for the year “1970” and nothign showed up… but now It wont overwrite my older posts it keeps saying it already exists ?? i dunno how to fix it now.



    Please look through the export file specifically for any posts imported with that date and see what the DATE: line shows. It would not necessarily be that date (in fact, it’s probably blank).

    You would have to edit the timestamp on any incorrectly dated post through your account to provide the proper date for it.



    Pierce’s plugin is an WordPress Export plugin that exports to Movable Type or SQL and it works very well. For the 1.5 or older version go to the author’s page

    For a 2.0 version with added Export to XML and Export to Wikipedia functionality go here

    PS: To make Eric’s script work for 2.0 all you have to do is change the field user_nickname to display_name on the SQL call at his MT.php file. My GZ file has the correct MT.php and some extra goodies

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