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  • I received the message that there is no upgrade available after replacing the files with the 2.2.1 version, however at the bottom of the dashboard it does say that I am running version 2.2.1, go figure.

    designoahu, I just experienced the same thing. Uploaded all of the files, no upgrade is necessary, and in my admin panel it says 2.2.1 on the bottom. How do we know for sure that the upgrade actually took place?

    @designoahu and jeffro,
    Database upgrade isn’t required going from 2.2 to 2.2.1 just the upload of the files (which is where the version info comes from). So running the upgrade.php, doesn’t hurt, but doesn’t really do anything.

    I see. Thank you for clearing that up MichaelH!

    I’ve been a member for 6 months. I’m not experienced, but just feeling my way.

    I upgraded from 2.0.x to 2.2.1. In my sidebar where the blogroll should be, it says:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘link_count’ in ‘where clause’] SELECT * FROM wp_categories WHERE cat_ID > 0 AND link_count > 0 ORDER BY cat_name ASC

    How can I make that go away and my blogroll appear? I saved my database before I upgraded. Do I have to revert back to 2.0.x?

    wdg–no, just revise your sidebar.php to use the template tag, wp_list_bookmarks(), or change your theme to one that is compatible with 2.2.

    I don’t know but I’m having bad luck with this 2.2.x batch, haven’t tried to do any upgrades but so far all fresh instals led to troubles, dashboard messed up, not able to delete post, edit them, the blog content showing in the dashboard as it was the theme, that was really weird. Also forbidden access errors, some could be fixed by editing the .htaccess other not, widgets problems and… I’m stiking with 2.1.3, willing to upgrade but too busy(scared) to fix eventual problems. Meh :-\

    Michael, thanks so much for explaining the mysterious upgrade. We are all so used to the steps involved in upgrading that deviation threw us for a loop. It might be a good idea if some note of the difference between upgrading from 2.2 to 2.2.1 and other upgrades was mentioned on the Development Blog.

    My ExecPHP widgets don’t work in 2.2.1

    For make appear br in comments, deactivate plugin LMB smilies comments.

    I have issues with this quick upgrade cycle. Seems there is not a decent level of testing. 2.2 has widget feature build in but templates don’t seem to recognize it well. My template uses test for sidebar widget widget
    <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar() ) : else : ?>

    Now with 2.2.1 won’t display sidebar unless on home page.
    Is there a different call to make?

    Why is this issue not mentioned on download page? How much testing is done before release?

    Why not seperate the urgent security fixes from the feature set improvement. These update are getting to be a real pain. I am not in a rush for new features. I want the existing code to work with what I already have and not go thru a debugging cycle every few weeks.

    I am getting a very similar sidebar error to those reported by sportech and wdg, above–but I’m running 2.0.4, and terrified of updating:

    This is the base code in the sidebar:

    <?php if (is_home()) { ?>
    	$link_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_id, 
    cat_name FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE link_count!='0'");
    			foreach ($link_cats as $link_cat) {

    The error report is:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘link_count’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM wp_categories WHERE link_count!=’0′

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/formytum/public_html/wp-content/themes/Antique-Modern/sidebar.php on line 10

    The fix is supposed to be, according to Michael H:

    revise your sidebar.php to use the template tag, wp_list_bookmarks(), or change your theme to one that is compatible with 2.2.

    While I can trace sidebar code, and know something of the function of each section, I can’t either debug this code or figure out how to use the template tag, as Michael H. instructed.

    My site, with the error message still holding forth, is
    (I always have to explain) a health-education site for IBS, called For My Tummy,


    petersig–actually my advice isn’t correct there–if you are running version 2.0.4, then the 2.0.4 database table wp_categories does not have a column called link_count. Only with 2.1 did link_count get added to the wp_categories table.

    It would see you are using a theme that is designed to run with 2.1 or 2.2 but your database is still a 2.0.x database.

    @wdg–the update may not have completed successfully, at least the database portion so you might want to run install.php again.

    thanks for pointing out that the
    should be deleted when doing the upgrade.

    I got this error when trying to follow the upgrade instructions
    “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in /home/vicsande/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/default/functions.php on line 418”
    as I did not delete those dir because the guideline explicitly said NOT to delete those directories.

    Now my site is working again after I uploaded the new versions of the two themes. thanks!

    my god, the contains 2.0,not 2.2.1~ after i updated the system broke down with k2…after that, the there apears something strange on the homepage.

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