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  • Upgraded all my sites yesterday to the latest version and everything went nice and smooth. ??

    Thread Starter whooami



    as of right now, the latest zip does NOT contain 2.0, I just downloaded and looked.

    christian-s, you are very welcome ??

    All this if_home malarkey started when Kubrick was shoe horned into WP without consultation with anyone who knows about this stuff. The whole upgrade / plugin / over riding or not of the default has been a mess ever since. In WP 2.2 although widgets are built in the Classic theme has not been upgraded.

    O.K. Lots of talks on 2.2.1 has already taken place. Here I would like to address the plugin section.

    The feature “Deactivate all plugins” is there, but “Activate all plugins” is missing.

    I upgraded from 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 today (yes, backed up everything first). When I try to upload an image, I get this error and the image is not uploaded. (I’ve redacted part of the path to disguise my server directories for security reasons.)

    The uploaded file could not be moved to [redacted]wp-content/uploads/2007/06. Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at [redacted]wp-admin/admin-functions.php:1986) in [redacted]wp-includes/functions.php on line 1346

    Any idea what this means?

    Hi. I run upgrade.php and I get that nothing is needed, etc.
    Yet at the admin section I call from the menu the Widgets section and although the page is visible it doesn’t work.

    I mean I see a Javascript error in line 270 of widgets.php and also the previously draggable boxes for the 2 sidebars (akismet, calender, etc) are not draggable any more.

    Can you provide a solution?

    On a new 2.2.1 install I am getting:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: did_action() in /home/more404/public_html/anig/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1345

    I’m having problems with plugins and widgets that previously worked fine under 2.2. The most notable is WP Lightbox 2.

    Whatever “security” issue the developers fixed in 2.2.1 must have been around for a long time, because fixing it has caused havoc with a lot of plugins and widgets.

    Please help, I just installed a fresh new WordPress with no content yet, and then upgraded. I can’t change the theme, despite having uploaded 2.2.1 ready themes into the wp-content theme directory – the presentation tab just doesn’t see any themes including the default and classic ones. Instead I get this across the top of the page, and several others in the admin section.

    Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /home/liquidne/public_html/stuff/wp-includes/theme.php on line 276

    It looked like someone had a similar problem and deleted the classic and default themes? I tried this and got a white, blank page, so I put the default folder back. Is there somewhere I can tell it to go use a different theme?

    Thanks for any help, sorry if this is in the wrong area.

    Just a bit of good news to the noble and patient support people I’ve been reading.

    My upgrade went flawlessly – I followed the detailed directions and it went without a hitch.

    As expected, the King Plugins did NOT want to work, but the built-in widgets do very much of what I was using them for. I was done in 30 minutes and most of that was waiting for the DB and WP-Content to DL to me for backups.

    I’m sure the King Plugins developer will update his documentation to compensate and then all will be as it was.

    Gotta love this platform.

    I’ve read a great deal of hoo-haw about the reasons behind 2.2.1 being required. Golly. The developers are human beans(sic) and made an error. Get a helmet folks, life is never safe. The alacrity of the fix puts all the ‘real companies’ to distant and pathetic shame.


    WHOO HOO!!!!!!!

    Upgraded to WordPress 2.2.1 and my ‘sideblog’ plugin no longer works. It comes up with this error

    Aside category not selected. Please provide a category slug if you’re using non-dynamic sidebar.

    If worst comes to worst I’m perfectly at ease with not using this plugin.

    But my other issue is that my current blog post ‘Mad Dash For The Loo’ is appearing 3 times on my blog. Can anybody help, especially with the latter problem?

    To see the problem:

    Hi, after a generally succesful upgrade to 2.2.1 for my blog at, there are two glitches annoying me:
    – it seems that with my hosting I can’t use many plugins. Sometimes I got those blank pages after posting or managing posts. Same thing if I localize my WP. Anyway I solved it using only what I really need and lowering resources.

    – the main issue are those accented characters in the feed that give me errors and “??” substitution. You can evaluate it (if you’re able to figure out italian accented letters) at

    Posts work properly and everything is correctly showed on the site. Always using UTF-8.
    Any ideas? It drives me crazy.
    Thanks a lot!

    After upgrading, I have the following problems:

    1. I cannot use Live Writer or Zoundry to post.
    2. I cannot view my plugin page on the dashboard.
    3. My RSS feeds no longer show the name of the blog.

    @jgomula. I have experienced that error. But by revisiting admin a reselecting the same theme it clears spontaneously. Incidentally I am now installing using SSH. I think the zip and the tar might be borked.


    I’m having the exact same issue as channeldoubler above – with previously draggable widgets in 2.2 now visible, but not draggable. everything else in the upgrade is working just fine.

    fantastic work to all you, and thanks for catching those security issues for us small fry.

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