Can you show us a snapshot of what you mean? Is this problem with the “Dashboard”?
I’m Adrie Silva and if you want I can help you solve this issue. Email me at [email protected]
I am also a host administrator so I would love to have you as a client.
For the issue you are having I would suggest reinstalling wordpress. I’m unsure if you used Fantastico or not. This would help.
It is very simple to install the newer version of wordpress.
1: Download the newest version from
2: “Extract” the package in your cPanel’s “File Manager”
3: Copy and Rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php
4: Create a “Database” for all your login info.
5: Create the database with the “mySQL Wizard” located in your cPanel
6: Write down the database name and database user info including the password. When creating a user–give your username “full access/prev.s”
7: Edit the “wp-config.php” file in the File Manager
8: Change the ‘databasename’ with your own database name
9: Change the ‘databaseuser’ with your own database username
10: Change the ‘databasepassword’ with your own database user’s password
That’s that, SAVE and now you can visit your website or blog in a browser. Just type in the address of your website, especially where you installed wordpress..
maybe something like
Let me know if you need snapshots or a short video tutorial
~Adrie Silva
Hosting ∞ Design ∞ Tutorials