• I’m using version 3.2.1 and all of a sudden my customers don’t get emails when they register to the site. the Admin does, me, but my customers don’t.

    I am using version 3.2 on my other site and that works fine.

    Please help! I must resolve this issue immediately


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  • I am only using the English version (no language modules) and am having the same problem. I’ve tried the Configure SMTP plugin and it made no difference. Other messages are being sent – it is the email with the password specifically that is not.

    If you then visit the reset password option, it sends a message perfectly and you can enter one.

    Bizarre. Can’t be the first to notice this. Can anyone resolve it PLEASE!?


    I am using 3.2.1 and have similar issues.

    The difference being, some members do get their passwords, while others do not.


    I have the same problem outlined by gustavoaperez10 at the start of this post string. Password email not sent. I am using 3.2.1 … started my site in early August, 2011 … and just today decided to allow registration of new authors. The PASSWORD email is not sent … but I, the administrator, get the New User email and the email link inside that message DOES send an email to the new user. As a new user I tried the Forgot Password routine and was told the new password was emailed … never got that email, either.

    What to do?


    Thanks! My WordPress page is hosted on GoDaddy on an Apache server … that should be fine … yes? SMTP is supported? Do I need a plug-in?

    I now have no problem! I just didn’t wait long enough for that email … it took about 10 hours for the email to be arrive! But I got it!

    Seeing that … I tried to register another new user … and the email was sent and arrived before I could get there to check on it: no wait at all … so … I appear to be in great shape.

    Good Luck to y’all!
    — Reggie

    I got the same problem after upgrade to wp 3.3 from 3.2. The new user does not receive email. However, I get the new user registration notification.

    Any help, please!!!

    My website is hosted by HostGator. I used to work without problem before upgrade to 3.3.

    The new user does not get the registration confirm email. But the new user can then click “lost password” and receive password recover email.

    I’m having the same issue, this has to be a configuration issue with WordPress. I haven’t release the site but it is being hosted on Godaddy. I want to utilize the user registration but when I test the registration feature I never get the emails.

    So maybe a better question is: Where/how do you setup email in WordPress?

    This is the error I receive when I try to use the “forgot my password” option.
    ((The e-mail could not be sent.
    Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function…))

    Yes, I continue to have this problem. In the end, I have ‘redesigned’ my site so that users don’t register for anything exclusive on the site itself, and instead all communication is done via MailChimp with the site simply parsing the signup to them. I realise that I was lucky being able to do this.

    I don’t know how to ecalate what is obviously a bug. My fear is that it is simply embedded in future releases.


    I can confirm I am getting the same behaviour i.e.

    – I am using WP 3.3.1
    – I am using WP-SMTP plugin to route all emails through a gmail account
    – When a new user signs up they receive an activation email OK
    – When they click on the activation link they are initially brought to a blank page on the website (only the header of the site shows but there is no text), however I refresh of this page will load a message saying that the user has been activated and they should be receiving an email with their password.
    – No password email arrives (I have waited for 24 hours and checked junk but still no sign).
    – On my gmail account sent items I can see that the registration email was sent but there is no mention of a password email sent.
    – If I reset the password using the link on the activation screen, then this works fine and the user receives a new password email.

    Hope this helps,




    Ok, taking a closer look at this has shown that I had a plugin conflict.
    The Google analytics for wordpress plugin was erroring out after the registration and seemed to stop the password email being sent.

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