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  • same here too, nothing works

    just had another post that should have expire not expire again, i’m up to date on all the updates with wp 3.5.1 but something that should have expired on the 26th is still up and it is the 28th.

    Anything in the debug logs?

    MS or single installs? Anything else out of the ordinary on your installations?

    Single Site… nothing else out of the ordinary that I can think of. I didn’t check the debug logs, but after very very carefully reviewing the plugin notes/etc, I believe i may have accidentally caused my own issue. Perhaps a wording change on the interface or an alternate checkbox might keep others from having this problem. I believe that in the posts that didn’t expire, I had checked a category even though i had no memory of doing such. I found that the posts that didn’t expire had a category checked and those that did expire had no category.

    I never checked a category listing, so not sure if a category check is default. My suggestion might be to add another checkbox that says expire post OR (and then the category listings) whereby checking the expire could uncheck all the ones below. If that had been the case I don’t think i would have missed it.

    In the meantime i disabled the “expire to category” option so now there is just a date. In doing so i might have unintentionally revealed a bug or other oddity. If the option to default expiration is set to on for new posts, if i have the checkbox UNCHECKED to expire, when i save the post, the box is checked with the current date/time and the post is immediately expired. Just wouldn’t expect having the checkbox UNCHECKED to expire the post AFTER i click update. That may be a seperate issue, so feel free to move/copy this post to another category/etc.

    Alot of these oddities should be fixed in the 2.0.0 release – which I’m currently asking people to test.

    Mine isn’t working either, it seems the schedule is being unscheduled as soon as it’s created

    2013-06-06 02:34:57 673 -> SCHEDULED at Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:35:00 +0000 (1370486100) with options Array ( [expireType] => draft [id] => 673 )
    2013-06-06 02:34:57 673 -> UNSCHEDULED

    Any ideas here mate?

    Any other plugins you have a that maybe acting up? Thats the first i’ve heard of this issue

    Only other plugin is All in One SEO Pack.

    What do I have to set, to run post expirator correctly on a custom post type?

    			'labels' => array(
    				'name' => 'Events',
    				'singular_name' => 'Events Item',
    				'add_new' => 'Add New Event',
    				'add_new_item' => 'Add New Event Item',
    				'edit' => 'Edit',
    				'edit_item' => 'Edit Event Item',
    				'new_item' => 'New Event Item',
    				'view' => 'View',
    				'view_item' => 'View Events Item',
    				'search_items' => 'Search Events Items',
    				'not_found' => 'No Event items found',
    				'not_found_in_trash' => 'No Event items found in Trash',
    				'parent' => 'Parent Events Item'
    			'description' => 'Easily lets you create some beautiful events.',
    			'public' => true,
    			'show_ui' => true,
    			'_builtin' => false,
    			'capability_type' => 'page',
    			'hierarchical' => true,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => $url_rewrite),
    			'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'comments'),

    or are there other plugins existing that could disturb expirator?

    So I installed WP-CRONTROL. I saw that I had set the expiration time and date correctly, but the cron job is still in the list after it was due to run, and the post is still there (ie, not expired)

    Using WP-CRONTROL to run the cron job, the post is still there, although WP-CRONTROL reports success in running the job

    I can’t think of anything else to try.

    Whoops, wrong thread. Sorry.

    For me this gets unscheduled at the moment you set the expiration in the post.
    This is the debug log:
    2013-07-24 11:54:05
    2153 -> SCHEDULED at Wed, 24 Jul 2013 10:56:00 +0000 (1374663360) with options Array ( [expireType] => delete [id] => 2153 )
    2013-07-24 11:54:05
    2153 -> UNSCHEDULED

    Most of the comments are referring to the need to reset cron in our server, and actually this make sense because the plugin works perfect in my local machine…
    To be able to manage the cron in the server I installed this other plugin:
    Author’s website with instructions:?

    But at some point I need to setup a system cron job in the server… ?it’s very tricky to me to commit it… Bellow you have some instructions about how to do it…

    You enabled WP-Cron Control. To make sure that scheduled tasks are still executed correctly, you will need to setup a system cron job that will call?wp-cron.php?with the secret parameter defined in the settings.
    You can use the function defined in this script and set up a cron job that calls either:
    php /home/www_poc/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-cron-control/wp-cron-control.php?https://exampleofmysite.comfd91919551cb3a3ddd44dfc2caa8e241
    wget -q “https://exampleofmysite/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron&fd91919551cb3a3ddd44dfc2caa8e241”
    You can set an interval as low as one minute, but should consider a reasonable value of 5-15 minutes as well.
    If you need help setting up a cron job please refer to the documentation that your provider offers.
    Anyway, chances are high that either the?CPanel,?Plesk, or?crontab?documentation will help you.

    I tried to do it through the terminal following this instructions…?
    But I’m stuck as I’m not very familiar with cron and setting stuff on my server using the command-line interface
    Any thoughts about how to do it?
    Thank you!

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