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  • Any news on the visuals fix for 3.8?

    The plugin works fine but at least in Firefox the box and buttons are not aligned correctly..


    .editor_container {
    clear: both;

    works perfectly fine for me!

    I suppose this will be fixed in the next version, and then, I will donate some bucks for ya, I completely LOVE this plugin.

    (I tried many times to make wysiwyg-widgets on my own but I’m not that much of a hacker so I totally failed every time :))

    Having same problem as listed above. Running Vantage Premium Theme from SiteOrigin with WP 3.8. Installed and activated Black Studio TinyMCE Widget ( did not see or understand the whole click on the arrow and not the name thing ) Browser is Safari.

    I tried to do the CSS fix but without luck. In the editor when I would select plugin to edit black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.css The name would come up at the top with the word (inactive) at the end. This was true whether the plugin was activated or not.

    Does this mean I haven’t activated the plugin properly and, if so, how should I do it. I’m very new at this and only know to click “activate” in the plugins page.

    Since I upgraded to WP 3.8.1, I can’t add text, or links in Black Studio tiny MCE. The tiny MCE box displays added text correctly, and indicates that it is linked, but it doesn’t appear on the website. The text was there before the upgrade, but I can’t change anything in the box since. See the third footer on the home page, “Fuel prices in South Africa”

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Please check the new version 1.3.0 just released, which brings several fixes, including the one for the known Firefox CSS issue.
    If you’re still having problems, please open a new topic, as this one is going to be marked as resolved. Also please include further details of your issue (see the FAQ for reporting issues).

    Resolved on my side. Thanks Marco.

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