Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay.
I’ve now made Secondary Title available for Gutenberg. It will be shown as a meta box on the right side of the editor under “Documents”:
View post on imgur.com
If anyone is able to test it and play around a bit and report if there are any bugs I’ve missed, I’d be very happy. Here’s the link for the yet unreleased version 2.0.0:
If you test, please do not forget to backup your WordPress installation, at least the database. I can’t think of anything that might go wrong or even damage your installation, but better be safe than sorry.
Here’s the current changelog:
* Added support for Gutenberg editor. Secondary title can now be entered via a meta box on the sidebar of the editor.
* Added minimized versions for CSS (compiled from [SCSS](https://www.quora.com/What-is-SCSS-How-does-it-differ-from-CSS)) and JS files for performance improvement.
* Updated Font Awesome to 5.8.1.
* Updated translations.
* Fixed bug with reoccurring donation notice.
* Minor style adjustments.
* Removed <code>/includes/gutenberg-info.php</code> and the notice saying "Secondary Title doesn't work anymore".
* Moved <code>/includes/settings.php</code> to <code>/admin/settings.php</code>.