WordPress 6.1.1 confirmed!
This is just perfect! Danke Andreas ??
I seriously had no clue about LDAP a couple of days ago (tbf i still don’t). After like an hour of trial and error i solved the LDAP url puzzle and this plugin just worked with my fresh wordpress 6.1.1 installation.
Some advice to get this going:
- Use some LDAP browsing client software first to check your auth and get an initial idea what your LDAP directory actually looks like.
- Keep in mind that your search base (the last part in your LDAP url) already limits potential search results. Usually that’s a good thing!
- Go read a bit about LDAP filters and what & and | mean.
Last but not least: if you keep struggling – get in touch with Andreas. I didn’t, but i like to believe that he’s super cool and helpful. Cheers!
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