• Hi, I have just installed both WP and bb at https://www.paperviewzine.com/ and https://forums.paperviewzine.com/ and I have integrated the two. I have installed the bbPress integration plugin for WP and done all the salts and auth keys in the config files as well as adding the cookie info created by the plugin mentioned.

    However it does not seem to be working. When I login into one, I am automatically logged out of the other, and when logged into bb i am unable to login back into WP as it just refreshes the login page and does show any messages or anything, I am then forced to reset the browser cookies/cache to get back in. Edit, seems i dont have to reset the browser at all, i logged out of bb and when i came back to WP i was logged in, so it would seem i was in fact logged in, but the cookies are not working correctly so WP and bb are not understanding that i am logged in when im logged into the other.

    Any ideas how I can fix this? The user system is working as I have created accounts in WP and they appear in bb so that part works correctly. It is just the cookies that refuse to work as intended. And I have double check the salts via phpMyAdmin and they are the same in both wp_options and bb_metas.

    Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks

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  • @pasmith, if you read a little further up in the thread, you will see that I mentioned subdomain installs will give problems and may not work properly. The person that started the thread had a subdomain install, and then changed it to a subdirectory install which fixed the problem.

    @mjjinvincible, you installed the WordPress plugin? Can you post the info from your bb-config.php and wp-config.php files? Post everything except your keys. You can use this site (https://paste.ideaslabs.com/) to paste your code and then provide a link to it here.

    @parkstreet I installed everything from scratch again (I had messed the files trying to troubleshoot with this topic). So now I just installed Mu, installed bbPress with integration options, mapped user registration, installed the Integration plugin in WordPress, copied the cookies code, pasted it into wp-config.php, cleared the browser’s cookies, logged in WordPress (everything works fine), logged out, cleared the browser’s cookies again (just in case), logged in bbPress, and finally I cannot go to /wp-admin/ because I’m redirected.

    Here are the files:

    wp-config.php: https://paste.ideaslabs.com/show/i7W2aSSL91
    bb-config.php: https://paste.ideaslabs.com/show/6KWQzrjutq

    Ok, in your wp-config.php, the “define” lines at the top should be placed after your keys, after your wordpress keys you should add your bbpress keys, and at the end of your bb-config.php file add this line: $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    Make sure that XML-RPC is enabled for both WordPress and BBPress.

    I’m still being redirected.

    I placed the “define” lines after the keys, I pasted the bbPress keys after the keys in the WordPress config file. I added the line to allow user switching to the bbPress config file. I enabled XML-RPC in both WP and bbPress.

    Are you logging into bbpress when you are redirected or are you logging into WordPress?

    Edit: Nevermind I read it above. I need to check on that.

    Yes, I know what redirection you are speaking of. I mentioned this in an earlier thread that when a user is logged into bbpress, they won’t be logged into wordpress. I’ve only gotten it to be vice versa (wordpress -> bbpress), which in my opinion this is the way it should work and not the other way around. You should want your users to go through wordpress and not through bbpress or a back door. An option would be to replace bbpress login details with wordpress login details.

    Well, the thing is that when I log into bbPress and I visit the WordPress Mu homepage, I’m actually logged in and I can post comments in the blog. The only problem is the redirection when going to the admin page. I have to fill in the user/pass info again so it lets me in. When I do that I’ve seen another cookie is created, and I don’t understand why it is not created in the first place if everything is installed and configured correctly.

    I intend to use BuddyPress (without forums integration) over there so it would not really be necessary for the users to log into any admin panel, and therefore there would be no problem. Indeed, I was thinking about only allowing users to log in through the homepage, and put a redirection in the forum’s login page.

    But still, I wanted to solve this thing because I could integrate it perfectly when I was testing… and I don’t want any problems in the future with the cookies and stuff.

    Anyways, I guess I will have to leave it as that…
    thank you for your time and help parkstreet, I really appreaciate it.

    Ooh, if you are using buddypress, then you should definitely take out the login form at the top of bbpress and then use this plugin. Yes, it can be frustrating to not be able to log into bbpress and then be logged into WordPress, but I think it is better if the WPMU/Wordpress install takes over every aspect of the login and registration details. I’ve even seen other CMS’s that allow the CMS to rule over every aspect of the registration and login process when a forum component or plugin is installed. Now granted, BBpress is not a plugin in and of itself, but we are integrating it as if it was.


    that code snippet by clarko seems to do the trick even with bbpress 1.0.1 and wpmu 2.8.4

    THANKS a million. you seem to be THE GUY when it comes to the bbpress WP/WPMU integration ??

    @ovidiu LOL…only because of trial and error.

    Installing it in a subdirectory gives this extra line when using the bbPress Integration plugin:

    define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/subdirectory ' );

    And then I could go without problems from bbPress to the WordPress admin page. I’ve tried adding that line to my original installation, but it doesn’t seem to work. In the first place I guess it’s not necessary, because it would be something like this, without any value:

    define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '' );

    Anyways, I’m glad I found (or I think so) where the problem was.

    just noticed another problem:

    logged completely out and deleted the cookies.

    logged into bbpress, wpmu doesn’t see me as logged in. logged out.
    logged into wpmu, bbpress sees me as an authenticated user.

    why wouldn’t it work both ways??? any ideas?

    I am not sure. Haven’t figured that out yet.

    The only way I could get WP and bbPress to integrate (also using the built-in bbPress integration setup) was using the WP Root Cookie plugin.

    I tried all of the wp-config and bb-config modifications and none of them worked. The issue goes back to the beginning posts from this thread with the cookie domain issue.


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