WordPress application to query multiple MySQL tables
I am trying to build an application with WordPress as the front end. The app must be able to search multiple tables in a database named inmates, not WordPress. Does anyone know of a plugin or method to create a couple search fields on a WordPress page, then send queries on the blackened to return a list of people from those tables to an output page. When I return the list of people, I want to be able to click on there name and open data associated to them that resides in multiple tables. Any ideas woul be appreciated. Thank you
If you’re keeping the data in a different database, you could instatiate another instance of the wpdb class. That should work without interfering with WP’s own database access. The doc page says “The $wpdb object can talk to any number of tables, but only to one database at a time; by default the WordPress database. In the rare case you need to connect to another database, you will need to instantiate your own object from the wpdb class with your own database connection information. For extremely complicated setups with many databases, consider using hyperdb instead.”
Thank you Steve,
Do you know of any reference guide to create search fields on a page, then pass the search criteria entered to another page where the queries run and return a list of the data you searched for. Also , hyper fb is only supported to 4.6.3. I’m using 4.7.2. Thank you so much again for replying.
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
You can accomplish all of that from a single code page if you want, though two pages will work of course. You can control what a PHP page displays by request type. If it’s GET, display a form, if it’s POST, display results. I suggest creating a custom page template to contain your code. It would be like you create a form on any PHP page. Be sure the form method is POST and the action is an empty string in order to resubmit to the same page.
You can get DB results as Steve suggests. Add a WP page based on this template so you have a permalink to reach the page with.
While support has only been confirmed to 4.6.3, that does not mean later versions will not work, it just has not been confirmed. If it does fail to work, there’s a fair chance the fix is fairly simple to accomplish.
Thank You, This is very new to me as I only ever have done some simple PHP maintenance. I have never developed an app from the ground up. Would I create a template with the PHP code and call to the database. If so, how do I activate the template from a page?
There’s a number of ways to utilize a custom template. What I had in mind was specifically a custom page template. To use it, start creating a WP page like you normally would. You may only need a title, the use of any content depends on your template. Select your custom template from the Page Attributes meta box, then publish the page. You can now execute the code on the template by requesting that page in your browser.
As for connecting to the database and making queries, this can be done all through the wpdb class object. See Steve’s link above for more on this.
Thank you, I actually started making progress on this. I appreciate all of your help
OK, so bear in mind I’ve never created a template before or wrote a php program from the ground up. I’ve only maintained some php programs by making minor changes. I created a template with my search boxes and to display the database. I have to set the code up so the search boxes display and then the data doesn’t show up until I enter search criteria. Right now, when I display my page, everything displays in the bottom area and removes my content area which is a light gray background. Is there a boiler plate template where I can embed my code? Im just looking for some examples of how to do this. I know no one will write it for me. Unfortunatly my experience is in COBOL years ago and I began mainaining php code a year ago. I have about a month to do this. any direction would be appreciated. Thank You
COBOL?! Holy time warp batman! ??
That means you have a programmer’s aptitude. You’ll do fine, it’s just a matter of learning a different syntax. You can easily search for any functions you need, unlike the COBOL days.
A typical starting point for custom templates is your theme’s page.php file. Other than loading the header and footer, it may not be that much help. Think of you page more like a static HTML page than a programming file at first. Arrange <div> containers to contain your content, use CSS to get them looking the way you need. Then use PHP to grab the desired data and output it into these containers. That’s the basic concept, but not necessarily the sequence of your workflow.
The page.php file runs a standard WP Loop at some point. You use this to get content specific to the added page. If template parts are involved, you may need to combine the parts into one. In some cases, you may not need the Loop at all. Even if you do use it, you may have no need for page content. If you don’t need it, don’t use the_content() function. Same for anything else. The only real reason for adding a page is to have a permalink to use that automatically invokes the WP environment in a fully compatible manner. The rest is up to you. You don’t even need the header and footer if you don’t need it.
If you do forgo the standard header, you should still at least call wp_head() before the closing </head>tag. A lot of WP internal operations depend on this function to trigger essential code. There’s also a related wp_footer() function that is used to trigger the loading of deferred scripts. If you load javascript in the footer you need to call this function if the standard footer is not used.
I’ve been dancing around talking about the actual main content because I don’t really know what to tell you. It’s one of those make it work sort of things. If you have trouble with a specific issue, I can help you out. But for how to accomplish the entire thing, I can only speak in the most general terms.
If you have a specific problem, post the related code and provide a link to the page. If there is a lot of code, use something like pastebin.com. Please specify PHP syntax highlighting when you publish in pastebin.
Good luck!
Wow, thank you for all of that bcworkz. I’m going to dive in head first. I also found a nifty tool called PHP code Widget. I put some php code in the widget and threw it on the page and displayed my test tables. I’m just not sure of the limitations of the widget yet as to sort the data. I’m not sure if the widget will let you use jquery. I’m going to give it a shot though. I’m off and running. Thanks again
Quick question. My predacesor left me some code. When I call it from wordpress, the source doesnt display. i put the code in a subdirectory of var/www do i have to tune the worpress site to see code in subdirectories?
Probably more like you need to tune the code to work in WP. Typically, custom code needs to reside in a child theme’s folder or a plugin’s folder. This can just be a stub that includes or requires code from else where, but for the code to be loaded with WP it needs to be part of a theme or plugin. Directly accessing PHP files will not work unless the code makes no use of WP resources at all.
This code I’m trying to use is a standalone design and doesn’t need any wordpress resources. When I call it, then click view page source, anything that is in the <?php ?> area doesn’t show up.is there something I have to do to make the directory I’m putting the code in, “/var/www/inmates”, available to the system to have php code?
Anything in /var/www is not normally publicly accessible except for the /var/www/html folder, which is normally the site’s public root. Server configurations vary so, the names and accessibility can vary, but this is pretty typical. Anything in public root or below will process .php files.
Viewing page source in your browser is for viewing the HTML output to the browser, which should never include actual PHP code. The only way to view PHP code is to FTP the file. If any PHP code is ever visible in a browser, that is a huge security issue that must be resolved.
If you anticipate doing much WP development, you will want to setup a localhost installation for development work. Then you can access and edit files through your computer’s normal file system, bypassing the need for FTP. It’s a small thing, but it adds up to some decent time savings and encourages frequent testing.
I made some progress on this. When I call my program outside of wordpress, it works and I would have to just work on the queries now. However, I really want to code my application in a wordpress template. When I do that, the form table I create for input doesn’t look good. WordPress puts extra boarders around my tables. Are there any guidelines for create input fields in wordpress?
No, nothing that specific. Input fields (and any HTML) only need to validate per W3C standards. The fields don’t look right in WP because your theme is applying its own CSS styles to the fields. To ensure your preferred styling overrides the theme’s, your CSS needs to be equally or more specific than the theme’s, and your CSS needs to be loaded later.
If there is no other alternative, you can use the
modifier. Avoid using this as much as possible. It makes future modifications and maintenance difficult. Use your browser’s developer tools CSS inspector to identify what rules are applied to the various elements. -
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
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