• Greetings WordPress family,

    As a web designer/developer, I’ve been using WordPress for a number of websites (mainly small to medium size businesses) and it was more than satisfying. However, I am now in the process of creating an eBay-like website and wondering if WordPress would be a good solution. To be specific, it’s not 100% like eBay (actually, much less than eBay). I’ll just need visitors to register to have access to their account/profile pages where they can upload “stuff” to sell (basically, product’s info + pics), but there WON’T be actual selling/buying, just listings of whatever users have uploaded categorized under whatever they fit into, and other people/visitors just browsing these “stuff”. Similar to the look and feel of eBay, but much smaller in functionality and, as mentioned, no actual buying/selling is happening (don’t ask why!).

    My main areas of concern are three: firstly, visitors should be able to register and manage their profiles (user-specific pages), upload stuff to sell, delete stuff from listings, terminate account… etc. where these listings must first be approved by admins before being published <== (Important). Secondly, TONS of reports to satisfy the website owners (e.g. most viewed products, most searched keywords, most active users… etc.). And lastly, must be bilingual (and easy to manage both website versions).

    So, would you recommend WordPress for this type of website? If yes, what plugins, etc. would you recommend for some of these features? If no, what other *free* CMS would be better at handling the job? (Drupal?)

    P.S. I love these great forums and community; I always find what I’m looking/asking for ??

    Thanks in advance folks!

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