• WordPress is increasingly used as a full blown CMS even though it is technically a blogging platform. Moving forward will WP evolve more characteristics of other CMSs that are website focused? I love wordpress and would enjoy seeing it evolve more CMS functionality…

    Any thoughts?

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  • Heya,

    I’m doing a graduation research about using WordPress as a CMS system. With the new 3.0 alpha release a few more options became available like the menu option.

    Still, you need to use quit alot of plugins like contactform 7, newsletter and a few others. What Automattic is going to do is till a mysterie. Im curious if they want to bring wordpress more to a CMS then a blog system. Ofcource WordPress started as a bloggingtool and it’s core still is.

    First off, please don’t think Automattic is the sole development authority behind the WordPress software because they are not. Automattic employs a few people that happen to contribute to the WordPress project. They also contribute some resources as well. But as a company, they are not directly in charge of the development of WordPress.

    As for your original question, I think the goal is to continue to improve WordPress as a platform that can be molded to be used in any way people can imagine whether that be with integrated APIs or through plugins. The day when all that stuff you mention becomes core material is the day when a large group of vocal people will scream from the rooftops how bloated WordPress is.

    Considering CMS stuff, WordPress 3.0 features a new menu system but more importantly, custom post types which many have touted to be a huge feature. One of the last major overhauls that need to occur for WordPress is the user role/capability system. Once that is complete, WordPress will be in good shape.

    K H


    I’ve been setting up WordPress as a CMS and one thing I miss is images being shared between users. It’s close to the ‘role/capability’ suggestion, but then for the media gallery.

    Obviously only higher up editors can delete images, but once images have been uploaded, why not have everybody able to use them in posts and pages?

    I do think though, in general, that the plugins make it possible for WordPress to already be useful as a CMS.

    Thread Starter thedevnull


    WP 3.x Beta 1 looks to have some compelling features for those of us using WordPress as a full blown CMS.

    Personally it is my opinion that if we took a poll we would find most users of WP want more features to use it as a fused CMS/Blog than simply a blog.

    Anyhow the promised features in WP 3.0 are VERY cool:


    Thank you WP Team! You ROCK!

    Been running the alpha for about a month now. Been observing more than contributing at this point. Have a lot of personal things going on before I can get serious. The main feature to note, register_post_type(). Which is utilized by a few plugins out there. The main bit to note with this in the WordPress admin itself is the merging of the Post and Page editing pages (they are now actually ran by the same code). This makes the functionality I am talking about within these plugins much more easily obtained. This all goes for custom taxonomies too. One plugin of note that I am tracking along with 3.x is CMS Press. It is the only one I’ve tracked to contain both custom post types and custom taxonomies, as well as handling the permalinks quite nicely for both.

    If the contributors of that plugin can correct me if I’m wrong, but I am pretty sure it has compatibility to the 2.9.x branch, but is really meant to be used with all the new calls available in 3.x

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