• I am using wordpress as a CMS and am using the static home page plugin to have a fixed home page (home.php). Other pages make up my main navigation including a page called blog (blog.php) that i want to be my main entry point to my posts.

    The blog page currently shows the same content as my home.php page although it does show the category and archive links in the sidebar. how do i get this page to show the list of recent posts on its first page as it would do normally? The content for blog.php page contains no content as such so not sure why its picking up the home page content.

    Do i need some code added to the page template to recognise this blog page or do i need to create the blog home page some other way?

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  • I think you trying to implement two different methods of controlling what is shown on your blogs home page at the same time.

    One is to use a plugin, the other is to create a template called home.php.

    I assume you are using Denis de Bernardy’s plugin. If so look at the instructions again. https://semiologic.com/software/static-front/

    Incidentally, when he says “Create a page titled ‘Home'” he means a page within wordpress – i.e. created from the WordPress Admin “Write Page” page.

    You should probably look at the documentation on templates at on pages.

    WordPress doesn’t need a plugin to be used as a CMS. It is already a CMS. And it doesn’t need a static homepage. The homepage URL can be the default root-level WP homepage URL but with a custom loop (or loops)… to present whatever content you like in whatever way you like.

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    I did follow the instuctions and created a blog.php file that was the template for my blog page. this however made all my archive and category links fail. it was as if it was looking in the wrong path for the files.

    i may abandon this static page method and do as pcmt pointed out, and code it within the loop.

    does anyone know of a tutorial or explanation anywhere of how to do this?

    basically i want a combination of website (pages in wordpress) and blog (posts, categories, archives) as a separate link on the website.

    i originally had my website outside of wordpress and simply linked to wordpress for my blog but am looking for a more unified coherant entity by trying to incorporate the site in wordpress.

    You really need to be familiar with ways to use the WP Loop: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/The_Loop

    It can be used more than once on a page, to pull out any content you like. It’s also worth learning how to create new page templates, and then use your own loop(s) within them: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Stepping_Into_Templates

    These ways, WP can do almost anything (with some CSS styling thrown in, of course).

    Added: another tip, if you’re going this way, is to remove the sidebar system of auto-generated links to pages, categories, and archives altogether, and to use the external “links” method to build your internal navigation… otherwise the sidebar gets too fussy – fine for a blog but more control is available with WP “links”.

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    thanks, i think you have solved it for me with the use of templates… so i presume i could create a blog.php template with the standard loop within it and build my blog ‘home’ page from that?

    i am more familiar with the sidebar links and have managed to use conditional tags to get various different sidebars / links for different pages.

    will read up on loops and templates a bit more then have another go later…

    “i presume i could create a blog.php template with the standard loop within it and build my blog ‘home’ page from that?”

    Yes, I believe so.

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    i had a go at creating a blog.php template with the loop copied from index.php (ie the standard posts loop) but my page created from this only contains a link that links to itself, no posts at all.

    any ideas what i have done wrong?

    clicking on category or archive links work fine, posts show correctly from these areas, but just do not display within my blog page.

    Not sure what the problem might be. In one of my page templates I’ve used this:


    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query('cat=7&showposts=10');
    while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>

    <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">

    <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

    <div class="entry">

    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="Continue reading <?php the_title(); ?>">Continue reading &raquo;</a>


    <?php endwhile; ?>


    It works okay. It shows excerpts for the first 10 posts in category 7, which obviously can be adjusted to suit.

    Above this, I have the default WP loop with a bit of written Page content, which acts like a sticky.

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    ok thanks,

    i read more on the loop and saw examples like this in addition to posting from a featured category, but hoped to get the ‘basic’ loop working before tinkering with more advanced variations.

    will try your approach anyway.

    im still using the static page plugin, i may try the other method of using the is_home tag in index.php to recognise my home page and also check for my blog page before doing the basic loop rather than coding in a separate template file. that may create what im trying to do…

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    not having much success with this, the loop of posts wont appear on any other page i designate in the code of index.php. are there any other places i need to make changes to achieve this?

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    any other recommendations for having a web site AND blog on same system? i saw a system called drupal… anyone know or tried this?

    any other suggestions?

    saw textpattern but seems to use a strange syntax called textile…

    Thread Starter evvo1961


    im looking for more of a easy to understand tutorial really. i know php and have read all the wordpress docs time and again but cannot get the loop to appear on any other page whether i code in index.php or page.php

    someone must have achieved it, i can easily use it as a CMS by just using pages OR a blog (posts) but cant seem to get both working on same system.

    im trying to get the posts from the home page into a separate page now, ie url/blog and have a static home page like a normal website.

    maybe pages are the wrong way to go, and categories may need to be my main links?

    Basically, I’d say stick with WordPress and keep reading the Codex. It’s all there. Drupal and Textpattern are just different versions of the same ballgame. Be brave. Choose one, and stay with it.

    I’m using WordPress as a CMS, with a home.php template for my main page, which only displays one category, called News. The posts I want to display on the main page go in News, and I use a sticky plugin to keep my featured item in that category on top.


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