• Resolved shaikhen


    Hi Guys,

    I have been writing and publishing blog posts this morning, yet on two occasions I have lost these posts soon after.

    The first occasion they could be found and restored from the trash bin, however my static page and latest posts settings had been reset.

    On the second occasion I could not locate the trash bin or the ‘deleted’ posts and this remains the current situation.

    On top of this, one of the user profile I use to publish on the site has been deleted.

    Please advise,

    Many thanks

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by shaikhen.
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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    WordPress does not “auto-delete” things.

    If things are being deleted, then either a) somebody logged in deleted them or b) your database got rolled back in time.

    Given that you have missing users as well, I’d ask your host about database issues.

    Thread Starter shaikhen


    Well done Sam, cheers pal

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