• My blog is down again. This time, when I use a browser such as “Google”, I get an “unable to find…” screen. The blog was just reset last week. This is the second time I’ve lost all my posts, links, images, and feedback on WP. The first time, it was due to some type of server error 404.

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  • Google has a browser?

    bbayne: Obviously you managed to resolve whatever your problem was. (The Google browser thing is still mysterious, however.)

    This sounds more like a DNS problem. If your ISP’s DNS server is having problems or is out of synch, you can get unable to find (the site) while the rest of us see it just fine. If you have a new site, or have recently moved it, or your hosting company has updated its nameserver records, this could result in you getting this type of behavior.
    Your site is very new — I would say you have nameserver issues, rather than anything with WordPress.
    And server error 404 — that’s the error you get accessing a page that doesn’t exist. That doesn’t cause the pages to go away. It means ‘page not found’.

    Sorry — DNS is Domain Name System, and nameservers help manage the mapping between your physical address on the Net and your specific domain name.
    If you just moved from blogger to your own site, you could be running into some DNS errors.
    To ensure your pages show, access the site using the URL that your host gave you (to work on the pages until the name propagation takes effect).

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