WordPress Blog hoster similar to Blogsome but…
Hello out there,
I am not sure whether I am right here but I couldn’t find anything useful through the search.
Privately I use WordPress 1.2 for years but never had the time to make substantial efforts like upgrading, fighting spam and such. It’s too time consuming to me and makes me mad quickly, I am not the twenty year old kid anymore who wants to spend nights fixing bugs. My WordPress remains a major annoyance because of spam, bugs and stuff like that. Nevertheless I like the system when it functions.
Now I want to set up blog for a client of mine. To minimize maintenance and such I wanted to use a blog hoster like WordPress.com or Blogsome.
Then I realized that they do not offer internationalization I’m from Germany) and that it is impossible to install plugins and such.Is there any other wordpress blog hoster that offers that?
In Germany we only have very small or new (beta) blog companies offering WordPress and I don’t want to risk my blog being deleted because of banruptcy and such (two “major” German blog companies went bankrupt last year)…
Can someone help me?
Sincerely, Tadeusz Szewczyk
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