• I use WordPress as a tool in my webdesign business.

    I build a site, create a custom theme, add some plug ins, customize the plugins, etc. Spend quite a bit of time, hand the site off to the customer and within a day or two, I get an email from them, it always reads:

    “WordPress says I have to upgrade”


    “One of the plug ins has a new version”

    Seriously, I love this tool, but the idea that it gets updated so often and the updates are listed in the admin panel in such a way (or in the plug ins) that I have clients atually asking me to get them OFF WordPress because they think that anything that needs to be updated 5 times in the past 4 months, well, they just don’t think it’s stable or reliable.

    So, a word of advice to the WordPress developers.

    Figure out a way to make the update notifications a bit more friendly and less consipicuous.

    And to the plug-in authors, updates every other week? Jeese you guys are killing me.

    And somewhere, give me a button or checkbox to turn OFF notifications of updates. PLEASE!

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    asking me to get them OFF WordPress because they think that anything that needs to be updated 5 times in the past 4 months

    And to the plug-in authors, updates every other week? Jeese you guys are killing me.

    Eh. If these are sites on the Internet then they need to be managed, plain and simple. What would your clients say if they’re installations are compromised because they missed a critical upgrade or die patch? Compromised with spammy links and get dropped like hot uranium from Google?

    That said, the Disable WordPress Core Update and Disable WordPress Plugin Updates should do what you are looking for and will stop the code from bugging your clients.

    where did I put that little baby violin of mine? anyone seen it?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Was wondering if you’d beat me to the reply ??

    With 2.7 I hear violins all the time…

    And somewhere, give me a button or checkbox to turn OFF notifications of updates. PLEASE!

    It’s not very difficult to remove those updates from the code. I haven’t looked at doing it on 2.7, but have done it on several previous versions for some sites I host. In fact, I stripped all the informaiton from the dashboard (wp-admin/index) and entered my own information and I just removed the plugins tab completely since I installed and activated plugins for my customers.

    Of course, the only drawback is that I now have to remember to update things, but I just keep a local spreadsheet with information about each install. Just some thoughts.

    figaro, thats all way too hard you know. ??

    WordPress can really be frustrating as hell..

    I agree to this. I’d clicked on the “Upgrade to version 2.7” thinking it’s upgraded, when I logged in again to see it still there. I tried uploading to bluehost, apparently it didn’t work cos the word is still there reminding me to upgrade. I’ve already got a host, why then there’s no auto “one-click to download”, which will save me all the hassle.

    And when I tried to go into forum to post, I can’t find the posting box, and had to resort to replying before i see this blue message box.

    I wonder can I export this to wordpress.com with much less hassle?

    Yea, I know there are plugins and stuff to do most of this stuff, but I like pain ??

    I wouldn’t know nearly as much about WordPress and php apps in general if I didn’t dig around in the code and do a lot of stuff the hard way.
    Also, most of my hosting stuff in on wpmu and it’s hit and miss as to whether a plugin will work there.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I wonder can I export this to wordpress.com with much less hassle?

    That’s not a bad idea and you should be able to.

    Export your existing self-hosted www.ads-software.com blog to WXR. Save that file and try to import it into WordPress.COM.

    that’s not a bad idea


    Im up for a thinning of the herd.

    On the other hand, think about how different wordpress would be if Matt spent as much time here answering questions as some of us do. There’s a thought.

    figaro, I was being sarcastic ?? I am actually happy when I see someone with a little ooomph around here.

    Yea, I picked that up “after” I replied…it’s still morning here and I’m only on my 5th cup of coffee ??

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    figaro, I was being sarcastic ??

    You? Never! NEEBBBEERR! ;-P

    More coffee for me…

    i havent had any ?? I ate enough summer sausage and wierd-ass christmas candy at work last night (have you ever heard of peppermint covered chocolate malt balls?) that I was nearly ready to die this morning.

    Have a gazillion errands to run today after working a 12 hour shift, so no cant look forward to a lot of sleep today, christmas party for work tonight (no sleep, again), and then back to work tommorow am for another 12 hours.

    Now there’s some cause for frustration.

    That’s not a bad idea and you should be able to

    What about any theme I’ve got from www.ads-software.com? Will I be able to also export them to wp.com?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    We’re totally off topic many posts ago, but here goes anyways:

    It depends on the theme. If your theme is there then you’re good to go. If not then you should check out wordpress.com for options.

    Go to https://en.forums.wordpress.com/ for more information.

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