WordPress' Changes To Embedding Videos from Video Sharing Website Are Annoying!
Hello WordPress, I am having a serious issue when it comes to embedding videos from sites like Dailymotion.com, Vimeo.com and other non-YouTube video sharing sites. Initially you could just insert the YouTube video’s URL into the add media section of both WordPress.com and www.ads-software.com and it would be embedded, same goes for Vimeo, Dailymotion and others. This is no longer so across the board with WordPress.com and current versions of www.ads-software.com. For YouTube you have to copy the embed code and insert it into add media section of your composed WordPress post. Why is this so? It was fine as it was. Now with Vimeo.com and especially Dailymotion.com you don’t even have a frame to work with and you can’t adjust the size of the video on your post’s page. It’s just inserting code which you have to go through the hassle of researching how to get the code from the video on the video sharing site and research how to embed it. This is tedious and it makes no sense. You have to jump through hoops to get what you need done. First you could use plugins to assist but with the insertion of code these plugins which you could use to embed and resize the video window no longer work. You have to work with code instead of a frame so you can use the plugins to resize. I have tried so many plugins and users here on this forum have recommended plugins to me which are no longer relevant as the rules of embedding no longer apply as the structure of this aspect of WordPress has changed. could you fix this in the next version of WordPress because it is extremely annoying and I don’t know why this was done. It makes it hard for novice and even experienced users of WordPress.com and www.ads-software.com to work with. Older versions of WordPress never had this problem. Unless you can suggest a plugin or mechanism for me to see some sort of video frame to resize when i embed my video or manipulate I am appealing to you WordPress to revert to the older system of embedding videos. This current system is just not working. I am frustrated and disappointed and I am 10, 000% sure I am not the only one who is upset about this issue. This is bad and I am urging you to change this.
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