• Resolved daztaylor


    Hi, Could anyone offer me some advice and direction. I have built a site in CSS and XHTML, I now wish to add wordpress functionality into it. I have wordpress installed on my server and am ready to go.

    I wish to use wordpress as a CMS, as a single page site. On the page would be some static content (div_1) (amendable using wordpress), the lightbox plugin (div_2 sidebar?) a form (div_3) and a mini blog (div_4) (where people can leave feedback non-static). At the moment I see it working like this:

    index.php contains div_3 and div_4, sidebar.php would contain div_1 and div_2.

    Is this the best course?

    From what I gather customized pages, and template tags using home.php may be the way to go.

    The template for the site can be found here:


    Many thanks.

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  • Thread Starter daztaylor


    Hi again, am I barking up the wrong tree? I basically want to put a form and a gallery into the sidebar is this possible?


    Sounds like a reasonable approach, but you’ve got a ways to go still–I first got a 404 on your URL, and the domain seems to indicate you haven’t finished installing WP yet.

    For a static homepage, you can edit home.php, or use one of the static homepage plug-ins which will allow a specific page to be shown as the homepage. (I have used Filosofo home-page control successfully.)

    I haven’t used lightbox, and haven’t done a public guestbook or many-author blog section myself, so I can’t speak on how those would work, but putting them into div’s and template files as you suggested should be fine.

    For the integration aspects, have a look at this link: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Creating_a_Static_Front_Page#Integrating_WordPress

    Perhaps read up on The_Loop a bit.

    And a monday night bonus link: https://www.transycan.net/blogtest/2005/07/05/integrate/

    Thread Starter daztaylor


    Thanks guys, advice much appreciated. After a long day of head scratching I think I am making progress. My new base template file is here…


    Moving on is it possible to create a ‘page style’ entry within section C? ie a area of text/images which can be edited someway within wordpress. Am I right in assumeing this would have to somehow be outside the loop? I realise I can put what info I like within the template but thats not really what I’m after. Reason being, I need an area which can be edited by none web savvy people hopefully using the wordpress admin/page/post environment. The comments and post bit I’m reasonably happy with, I used the single post template within a new page template, however I would like to limit the number of posts within this ‘area’.

    Again, many thanks for taking the time to respond. I know the easy way is to just ask and not bother to find out for yourself, but the tricky bit is knowing where to start and what to ask for!


    One possible solution for the “section C” issue:
    use this plugin – https://guff.szub.net/2005/01/27/get-a-post/
    This works very well, if there is no need for “archiving” the content of that section; i.e. the plugin will always display, let’s say, the content of your page_id=333, and editing that one Page will always change what is displayed in the section.
    Would that work for you?

    Thread Starter daztaylor


    Great stuff, cheers moshu exactly what I was looking for. This plugin will help solve other issues within the site also. Well thats the structure sorted, now for the pretty pictures!…

    Thanks all for your help.

    Thread Starter daztaylor


    If anyone needs reference for whats been learnt here, the site can be now found here…


    Thread Starter daztaylor


    Just an after thought, I’ve been reading that Google black lists duplicate postings’. If I navigate to the ‘inserted page’ there is a dual listing

    this is the front page and what I am trying to achieve


    this is the page which inserts into the above page


    Would this constitute a dual listing and is there a way round it?


    Thread Starter daztaylor


    Hi one more thing, if anyone could shed some light it would be great.

    Can I split the post at the bottom of the page into 2 columns, ie post on left, comment box on right:


    I’m sure its just a CSS thing but I’m not sure where to split the divs.

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter daztaylor


    Worked this out now, chucked a couple of divs/classes in comments-paged.php, works a treat



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