• Resolved brulosopher


    I’ve been having issues using Calypso (WordPress.com rather than WP-Admin) for a few years now, the latest of which has me completely stumped.

    It used to be that I had full access to all of my content when using Calypso, which meant I could create, edit, and publish posts/pages. Then, some time ago, whenever I’d click to start or edit a post/page, it would redirect me to WP-Admin rather than opening in Calypso. I would still see my list of content in Calypso, it’s just that when I’d click to edit, the redirect would occur.

    Now, I can’t even see my list of posts or pages. When I click Posts in the left sidebar, it displays the total number of posts I’ve made to the right of “Published,” but indicates “No posts found” in the area below.

    When I reached out last year regarding the aforementioned redirect issue, I was told it was caused by my use of the Classic Editor, which I use to usurp the Block Editor. I deleted this plugin for a month yet the problem persisted, and the response I got was essentially, “Well, we’re not sure what the problem is.” I ultimately added the plugin back because I far prefer it.

    I’m just wondering if anyone out there might have a solution for this problem. Honestly, I spend most of my day on a network that blocks access to WP-Admin but allows access to .com (Calypso), and seeing as I do the majority of my writing and editing during my downtime, there’s little I won’t do to get the ability to edit from Calypso back, whether that’s deleting the Classic Editor plugin or paying someone to fix this, I’m desperate at this point.

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  • Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hi there,

    If Jetpack is not connected properly to a site, then the problem can come.

    Could you please post your site URL here so that we can have a look? If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form. If you choose to reach out directly, please include a link to this thread.

    Thread Starter brulosopher


    Thanks so much for the reply!

    I have no problem sharing my site URL: brulosophy.com

    Again, any help fixing this issue would be VERY appreciated.

    Hi @brulosopher

    Thanks for sending that link!

    I’ve looked at your website and noticed everything is set correctly, especially on the Jetpack side.

    We’d be happy to have this looked into further by our team; please contact us here and mention a link to this forum thread. We’ll test by deleting the Classic Editor and see how that plays.


    Thread Starter brulosopher


    Hi @muffinpeace, thank you so much for the reply and offer to help, it is very much appreciated. Unfortunately, when I click the contact link you left, the page doesn’t open, which is likely due to being on a computer that has many restrictions; I will try from home later this evening.

    I went ahead and deleted the Classic Editor plugin, and I also rebooted my server, but even after multiple hard refreshes, I’m still having the same issue (here’s a screenshot).

    One common suggestion I received last time I asked about this issue was to turn off all plugins then turn them back on one-by-one. I did this multiple times, and even with every plugin off (except for JetPack, which I deleted and reinstalled), the problem was still there.

    Hi @brulosopher

    If the issue persists even after testing other plugins, the Jetpack connection is weak or even broken. You can share your website URL here (if you want), or you can figure out how to use the private link I’ve attached to my initial reply if you wish to remain private with that ??

    I am looking forward to your reply.

    Thread Starter brulosopher


    Hi @muffinpeace,

    I’m happy to share my website URL here: brulosophy.com

    What’s weird is that I’ve deleted and reinstalled Jetpack probably 15+ times, but it doesn’t help. I’m admittedly ignorant when it comes to this stuff, so I don’t understand how the connection can be weak, but if there’s anything that can be done to strengthen, I’m all for it!

    Hi @brulosopher

    Thanks for providing the link! I can see that the Jetpack connection is good there; however, some elements aren’t in sync.

    I’ve started the full syncing process, and this may take some hours before it completes; please check back in a couple of hours, and let us know if you are able to find the posts ??

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    It’s been one week since this topic was last updated. I’m going to mark this thread as solved. If you have any further questions or need more help, you’re welcome to open another thread here. Cheers!

    Thread Starter brulosopher


    Unfortunately, the issue hasn’t been resolved ??

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